To Claim It All

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Astoria could feel all the eyes of all upon her. She knew that they would make her out to be a scarlet woman, but that didn't change how it felt right then and there. The whispers flew about the room— not audible to her, but she caught a word here and there.

Stole the bride's groom—

—Another disappointment—

—A blood traitor—

—Why would Malfoy love that—

Before she could make to her dormitory, Celia-Laura and her crowd blocked the entrance.

"Going somewhere?" Celia-Laura demanded. "To write another love letter to Malfoy?"

"I never knew he felt that way," Astoria said, turning red in the face. "I can't control how I feel— but I never would have told him."

"You didn't have to— everyone saw that he knew," Celia-Laura said, twirling a strand of her hair. "Besides, we all know that you must've done something to attract him. It isn't your looks, you're a sickly, scrappy little witch. Not much there. And Malfoy was a Death Eater, one of the top. . . He can't appreciate your views on the mudbloods."

"You're going to regret that!" Alice pulled her wand out, just in time for Fawley to see it.

"Wand away, Tolipan, Selwyn's not worth it," Fawley said as she marched over.

"What if I told you Malfoy's changing?" Astoria asked. "And not just because of me? Doesn't it occur to any of you that maybe all of this was wrong?"

The common room had gone eerily quiet. Astoria realized in a heartbeat that this was her chance, this was her chance to change Slytherin as a House for the better.

"If Draco Malfoy thinks the Death Eaters were wrong now, what's holding the rest of us back?" Astoria asked, looking around and giving a sweeping gesture. "We were wrong. It's time to move on. Stop calling muggle-borns mudbloods. Give up the blood-supremacy. We lost— and we need to move on. Or society will move on without us. I don't know about you, but I'm done with living in the past!"

Astoria turned to the rest of the common room. "Aren't you all tired? Do you want to be angry and bitter like this for the rest of your lives?"

The sound of silence filled the rest of the common room. Everyone seemed unsure how to respond to that. Astoria turned back to Celia-Laura.

"Let me in my dormitory, please," Astoria said. "I won't ask again."

Celia-Laura blinked before stepping aside. While Luca remained out, Alice followed Astoria in. Her heart pounded and she felt the panic as the adrenaline of the moment wore off.

But she knew what she said meant something to them. And it wasn't as if she hadn't at some point been where they were. Alice had changed her a long time ago. She would never have been fascinated by muggle technology, never would have realized that muggles were just as human as she, and never would've broken free.

Now she had, and she was determined to help the others break the glass as well.

Within the first few weeks of returning, Slughorn had called Astoria to his office.

"We're here to discuss career options," Slughorn said. "I have plenty of connections I would be happy to set you up with, in any career you choose."

"I want to work with magical creatures," Astoria said immediately, thinking of Hagrid, Luna, and Rolf. "Maybe in the official Department? I'd like to be a zoologist."

"Perfect," Slughorn said. "I know Leta Scamander, and I believe she can get you in to the field. Maybe even a summer internship with Newt Scamander."

"Really? You think you can set that up for me?" Astoria nearly fell out of her seat in excitement.

"Of course," Slughorn said. "I have an eye for talent. You, Miss Greengrass, are causing quite the shakeup in Slytherin— and I expect this will continue, especially in coming years. Keep up the good work."

"Thank you, sir," Astoria said, standing up.

The rest of the year passed in a blur, it seemed. It was the last day of school when Astoria, Luna, Rolf, Luca, and Alice all wandered outside in the late afternoon. On the lakeside, by Hagrid's cabin, Hagrid and a strange wizard sat outside, chatting over an edition of the Sunday Prophet. Rolf lit up.

"Grandfather!" Rolf cried.

The elderly wizard turned around and grinned. There was a youthful twinkle in his eye.

"Hello, Rolf," Newt said. "I see you brought plenty of friends with you."

"You're practically repelling the Wrackspurts," Luna said in awe.

Newt's grin widened. "I like this one."

He glanced down at his very battered suitcase, and then up at Rolf and his friends.

"Why don't you all introduce me, and we can have some fun?" Newt said. "Only if you don't tell Tina, naturally."

Hagrid rolled his eyes good-naturedly.

Astoria stuck her hand out. "Hello Mr. Scamander, my name is Astoria Greengrass."

"Nice to make your acquaintance," Newt said. "I think we'll have a lot of fun together, won't we?"

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