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The next morning was rehearsal brunch. Astoria entered a bit behind Daphne, as she was not required for the wedding ceremony, unlike her sister, who was the maid of honor. So when she came in with the rest of the ordinary guests, she came to find chaos.

"I WANTED THE RED AND WHITE ROSES!" Pansy shouted at a house-elf. The bridesmaids were running around with no real destination, turning over everything in search of something. The decorations were tattered, on the floor, or hanging lopsided, and the smell of burnt food lingered in the air. Draco was already halfway through a second bottle of firewhiskey, although Astoria spotted Narcissa taking a swig.

Astoria sat down next to Narcissa. "What's going on?"

"Dress rehearsal went badly," Narcissa said. "I believe the everlasting flame candles accidentally set the garden on fire when Pansy tripped over it. The flowers were the wrong ones, and the bridesmaids lost the wedding rings. Also, when the house-elves came to clean up, they accidentally let breakfast and the wedding cake burn!"

"Oh dear," Astoria murmured, not sure of what else to say. "That's quite. . . "

"A bloody disaster, that's what it is," Draco muttered.

"Don't talk like that," Narcissa scolded. "Cursing isn't dignified."

"Neither is this," Draco said, using the bottle to gesture towards Pansy.

"Let's take this away," Astoria said, and she yanked the bottle away.

"Come on, Baby Greengrass," Draco complained.

"Astoria, you got it right last night," Astoria scolded. "And this is not the proper time of day to be drunk!"

"No need to yell, and I'm not drunk yet," Draco shot back.

"I think mildly buzzed is enough to get you through this," Astoria said coldly. "So help me, I will not let you be drunk for your own wedding, Draco Malfoy.

"I like her," Narcissa said. "Pansy never gets you to put your liquor down."

"It's complicated," Draco admitted.

"If you'll excuse me, I think I'd better go help make a wedding cake," Astoria said as she got up, bringing the bottle of firewhiskey with her.

"The house-elves have it, dear," Narcissa said with a casual wave of a ring-covered hand.

"I will lend a hand," Astoria assured her. "It's the least I can do."

Draco frowned, and Astoria tried to avoid his glance, but it locked her into standing there.

"What do you want?" Astoria demanded.

"What's going on with you?" Draco shot back.

"I'm just trying to help you!" Astoria shouted. "I'm sorry I want you to be sober and have a wedding cake!"

Draco stood up, and Astoria found, surprisingly, they were almost eye-to-eye. "You're going the extra mile, and beyond what friends normally do."

"Maybe it's because the majority of your friends in school were your lackeys, and not actual friends," Astoria snapped.

"Maybe it's because you don't want to admit it, but you're in love with me!" Draco snapped back.

All of the chaos in the room stopped. The room was silent and the tension was so thick, the Sword of Gryffindor would be needed to cut it.

"W-What?" Astoria laughed nervously as she felt the fire of Pansy Parkinson's gaze on her. "I- I'm not—"

"I knew it!" Pansy hissed. She stomped up to Draco and Astoria, looking to both angrily. "I- I can't believe you! Either of you! I knew you were out for my Draco, but I never thought he would—"

"Is that why you cursed me on New Year's Eve?" Astoria asked. "Pansy, whatever my feelings are— I'd never get in the way of your marriage!"

"Really?" Pansy's voice was as cold as ice and her eyes were just as hard. "Because that's what it looks like to me. It's over, Draco."

Pansy turned around and ran off, crying.

"I can't believe you, either," Daphne said to Astoria, before running to comfort Pansy with the other bridesmaids.

Astoria was left standing there, all eyes on her. She was a harlot, the homebreaker now, despite her never doing anything to deserve it.

"Astoria," Draco said, but she shook her head.

"No, no, I never wanted any of this, I was going to keep my mouth shut and get over it— but you ruined everything!" Astoria gestured astound her. "Now everyone thinks I was going to be your mistress!"

"Astoria," Draco repeated, but Astoria stumbled back, bumped into a table, and then ran. She ran deep into the gardens, where she was sure no one could find her. She'd ruined everything, with her big stupid feelings.

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