Chapter 8: Shot Gun

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The silence heard after, throughout the classroom, was deafening. The gun in the tutor's hands slipped through her grasp crashing to the floor, where it was kicked aside. Gun caught the limp woman in his arms, unable to process what just happened. He looked toward the source of the sound and saw Punn, along with the others, standing in the doorway, shotgun in hand. With dark eyes fading quickly, he paled as a ghostly look covered his face.

Off rushed through the doorway into the classroom. "Punn, what the hell did you do?" He grabbed the woman out of Gun's arms and attempted to check for her pulse and slow the bleeding.

"I- I don't know," Punn was clearly in a state of panic. "She had a gun pointed at his head when I walked through the door."

Tay and Mr. Wanpadej ran over to Off and the bleeding woman. "She's dead," Off announced when they crouched down next to him.

A quiet gasp directed their daze back to Punn. Tears actively streamed down his face. "Oh god, I'm a monster," He could barely breathe in between the sobs. "I killed her. Oh my god, she's dead and I killed her." He slowly backed up until he was out of the classroom then took off into a sprint towards the rooftop stairs.

Everyone was still in a state of shock. The blacklist group, now fully reunited, ushered the students down the hall to the front courtyard. Off, Tay and Mr. Wanpadej attempted to clean as much of the sticky, still-warm blood from their clothes and hands.

Fiat, Toptap, and Dark covered the deceased woman with a white table cloth. Everything moved so slow like someone had changed the speed settings on the episode.

Then Gun remembered the traumatized look on Punn's face. "Chi, Nanon, do you know where Punn's heading? Where're the stairs to the roof?"

"This way," They started jogging to the door. "C'mon let's go quick before someone else finds him first." Nanon grabbed Gun's forearm and tugged him towards the stairwell, the jog turning into a sprint.

Chimon stopped running, turning back he shouted into the classroom hoping they'd hear anyway. "Pang, Wave, hurry up, we're gonna need your help"

That's how they found Punn on the rooftop, sobbing, sat on the thick concrete wall. "Punn?" They called out as to not startle him in their approach. No matter how much the called out to him, it seemed he just couldn't hear over his sobs and the abundance of noise deep within his mind.

They approached slowly forming a loose semicircle around him. Before they could react, Punn loaded the gun in his hands and stuck it under his chin. Gun tackled him to the floor.

...Dark... blue?

As soon as Punn's back hit the concrete rooftop, the ambiance changed. The bright afternoon sun was toned down like it was shining through a piece of navy-colored glass. It was almost as if a filter was put over the world. Gun could only describe it as bizarre. Then they began to argue.

'Now look what you've done,' the one with the pristinely gelled hair scrutinized Gun from his place near the railing. 'We've got another, I thought we agreed on no more.'

The sweet-looking version of Punn walked over to Gun and helped him up. 'Relax, we've been through something traumatic, I'm not surprised we got an extra.'

The six Punns stared at Gun trying to decide what to do with him. Gun could only stare back at what he assumed had to be the different alters of Punn's personality.

"Uhh, I'm not an, what did you call it, an extra?" They stared at Gun like he was an idiot. "My name's Gun"

The one with wild hair rolled his eyes. 'Great now we've got to deal with one that doesn't believe he's part of a system*.'

"Which ones neutral Punn?" Gun scanned the group. Six of them, 'pristine' dude, 'sweet-looking', 'the wild', 'anxiety-riddled', 'Dark', and a crying one?

The crying one tried to wipe his tears but they continued to flow freely. "Me"

Gun sat next to the crying Punn. "You remember me right? It's me, Gun? The actor? Remember?"

Punn looked up through tears at Gun. "Yeah, yeah I do," He gasped through light sobs. "P'Gun?! Why are you here? How'd you get in here?"

Gun giggled at the shocked faces on Punn's alters** around him. "I'm not exactly sure."

'So you mean to tell me he's a real person?' The Dark one walked next to where Gun was sitting next to neutral Punn and dragged him up by his collar.

The Sweet-One pushed Dark. 'Don't manhandle him like that, can't you see he's trying to help us?'

Dark raised his hand. 'You little brat,' Before his hand could reach Sweet's face, his wrist was caught.

Catching a glimpse of the others' paling faces, Gun sighed. "Let me guess, I probably shouldn't have done that?" He let go of Dark's wrist but he had garnered his full attention.

Dark didn't say a word. He looked straight at Gun, eyes filled with so much misery and hatred Gun felt remorseful for the 'evil' one. Then he pulled out a gun.

"What the heck, where'd he even get that thing from?" Gun was backing away from Dark but if he wanted to shoot there was truly no escape. The amount of times he found a gun aimed at his head in the past hour was appalling, he considered changing his name.

Right as Dark tightened his grip on the gun, the neutral Punn lept up and tackled Gun back into the concrete rooftop.

~Author's Note~

*A system is the collective grouping of the all alters of personality in a person with Dissociative Identity Disorder "DID", also previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder

**Alters refers to the term "Alternates". This is the better descriptive of the so-called "Personalities" a person with DID has.

In my opinion, Punn doesn't have Multiple Personality Disorder or DID and definitely wouldn't get diagnosed with it. He most likely has some form of OSDD and either Schizophrenia or some Psychotic disorder. Also one of the defining factors of Multiple Personality Disorder is it being a childhood disorder meaning it needs to be formed of something traumatic during ages 3-9. This has nothing to do with Gun's acting skills, in fact his portrayal is still the most accurate in media I've ever seen. That aside, the screenwriters could've done a better job at researching the disorder before creating a character with it and then diagnosing it on screen.

Okay thanks for supporting me, also did you catch the Kickin' It reference? No? K bye

~Follow me on Instagram! @kase_support you'll get to see more of me there and ill be more interactive and you may have a chance to interact with my stories!

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