Chapter 10: Internet Connectivity

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As the smoke cleared, Punn, Off, Toptap, Pang, and Chimon found themselves, and the laptop, back in the studio at GMMTV.

Off looked at the group of them covered in dust, with Punn still actively bleeding. "Well, shit."

Pang walked over and helped Punn up. "We can deal with where the others went in a minute but I think we need to deal with this first."

Pang was right. Punn was bleeding pretty heavily for the past fifteen minutes or so and he'd lost a lot throughout that span of time.

Off picked Punn up bridal style, and Punn didn't have quite enough energy to refuse. He turned to Pang. "In this world, Gun and I have something going on, so I have to look pretty concerned or they'll get really suspicious."

"So your together?" Pang hummed as they followed Off to the big door, which they were lucky to see Wave had unlocked before they left the studio earlier today.

"Huh? No!" Off almost choked. "When did you hear that come out of my mouth. I've done nothing to give you that impression"

Toptap and Chimon worked hard to stifle giggles as they followed behind Off and Pang. They watched as, despite his claims, the more Pang questioned, the tighter Off's grip on Punn got.

"P'Off?" When Punn whined like that, it sounded so much like Gun, Off almost let go. "You're squeezing too tight, you're hurting my arm." That was Off's queue to go bright red, his ears got hot as he tried to looked everywhere but the person in his arms. This wasn't Gun, he had to learn to distinguish it better. Hopefully, when Punn heals he'll be less sweet and more scary.

The boys in the back just couldn't handle the ridiculous look on Off's face. They didn't even bother hiding their laughs until Off's glare made them shut up.

They when they arrived outside the medical center of the GMMTV Grammy building they made sure to look like they'd been running. Toptap called the medical team over as Off laid Punn down on to one of the stretches.

The doctor gasped when she saw the amount of blood covering Punn's shirt. "What happened? How'd he lose that much blood?"

Chimon remembered his scene in The Gifted and used that as their excuse. "He was trying to help move some metal chairs." He faked a wince. "They were staked too tall and nail managed to stab him in the side."

While Chimon was explaining to the medical team, Off was versing Punn. "You gotta pretend to be Gun until we can get you back to your show, okay?" Off was trying to whisper to Punn subtly with all the Medical team starring at them. "Answer to Gun and call me Papii," Before Punn could open his mouth, Off squashed his question. "Don't ask, I'll explain later."

Punn got wheeled away on the stretched to be stitched up by the medical team, luckily they said he wouldn't need to go to the hospital as it was only a large surface wound.

Toptap, who'd been carrying around the laptop realized it was vibrating in his arms. "Hey guys," He motioned over Chimon, Pang, and Off, they were all sitting in the quiet waiting room outside the medical wing of the Grammy building. "I think it's ringing."

Pang took the laptop out of Toptap's hand and opened it up, a no-ID number was calling. When Pang clicked accept and the call connected Wave's face popped up on the screen.

Wave was shocked. "I didn't think that would work." He mumbled to himself. "Guys get over here, it went through!"

Pang was equally shocked. "Guys, it's Wave!" He motioned to the others that sat all around the vacant waiting room. "How'd you call us? Where are you?"

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