Thirteen - Magnolia

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"Magnolia?" my father called through the crack of my bedroom door. "Are you in there?"

I sighed. "I am always in here, Father."

Father slowly opened the door, peering into my spacious room. I just sat on my bed. My room seemed emptier ever since Jake left. He would usually be sitting on my window seat reading a book, or listening to me go on about my harebrained father-daughter argument stories.

I fixed my eyes down to the carpet. I know I've driven him away. Those stories were too much for him. Too much for anyone, really.

"What are you doing?" Father asked me. "You are just sitting there."

I looked up to show him I was paying attention. He was not wrong. I haven't been doing much at all since Jake left five nights ago. Everything around me just seemed so eerie and lonely. Who knew the presence of one person could change the way I look at my every day routine?

I hung my head and peered down at my feet hanging above the floor. "I was reading earlier," I lied.

"Reading? You have been reading all day long?"

I nodded. "Yes, I have been."

Father raised his eyebrows. "Very well," he murmured. "I have somebody here for you behind the door. They are eager to talk with you."

"If it is Oriel, tell him I do not want to see him today," I stated. "He's not bad, but not today please."

My father smirked. "Well it's not Oriel. Should I tell her to leave anyway?"

I opened one of my dresser drawers. "Her? Who is it?" I asked.

My father opened the door a little wider. He gave me a small smile and left, quietly making his way up the narrow staircase. The guest that stood before me at my door made a smile creep up on my lips.

"Darling!" she greeted me. "How are you?"

I hugged her tightly. "Helena!" I exclaimed. "I'm well, thank you! So great to see you! How have you been?"

Helena adjusted her swirly black hair. "I am good actually! I'm so sorry for not visiting more often. I have been incredibly busy."

"No, no it's fine!" I replied. "Sit down! Make yourself comfortable!"

Helena Gladstone has been my family friend for nine years. She was my only friend before I found Jake. My mother grew up with Helena's mother Leona as children, so they did everything together. Even when my mother married my father and became of royalty, she always made time for Leona and her new family until the day she died.

With a bright smile and a unique sense of humor, Helena always stood by my side when I needed her most. I'm so grateful to have her in my life.

"So how have you been, darling?" she asked. "I heard this boy has been visiting you often."

"Boy?" I stammered. My eyes widened.

I first thought of Jake, until I thought again and realized she was referring to Oriel. I sighed. I have to keep Jake a secret, even from Helena. Helena is notorious for telling her mother every detail of her day, and I definitely don't want to run the risk of her mother asking my father about Jake's living situation.

"He is just a friend of mine," I murmured. "We got off on a bad start at first during a dinner event, but I realized he means well. His name is Oriel Masters."

"Oriel Masters?" Helena gasped. "Do you mean -"

I nodded. "Prince of Alandia, yes."

Helena pursed her dark lips. "I see."

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