2. A Discovery

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Quickshadow woke to the sound of voices. Her tired optics fluttered open and she took in her surroundings. She didn't remember much from last night, only that she fell asleep during the movie and dreamed that she was being carried away to somewhere peaceful; where she wasn't afraid of her past and things were easier. She wished she could've stayed in dreamland, but she knew she had more important matters to attend to.

Quickshadow drowsily sat up and rubbed her optics. Whose berth was I sleeping on? She shrugged her shoulders and stood up, walking towards the door. The femmebot spy peeked around the doorway and saw that the four rescue bots were already up.

It was sometimes annoying that she was the only femme on the rescue team and back at the rescue training academy. Even traveling on water between the mainland and Griffin Rock, Quickshadow had to deal with the silly antics that High Tide posed at her. She knew how to handle herself among the guys and was confident in herself to handle/lead most situations. She had never been a real leader, save the one time she was asked to lead the mission with the Phodolite...but that didn't go so well. What could she do? She was just a trained spy used to going on undercover solo missions. Always in charge of herself, with no one to look to for help, and no one to take into consideration. She had never been part of an actual team. She even had to get used to working with the Burns family and submitting to a human. She personally thought of humans as equals, just tinier and more vulnerable. Their technological achievements for their species was amazing and couldn't be overlooked. But she never had to submit to a leader, except for her prime superiors. She did love her new teammates though. Blade's bubbly, funloving, and worried at times personality, Boulder's thoughtful, gentle, and kind disposition, and Chase's almost emotionless demeanor, with strictness and sensitivity to the law and regulations, but was still a good friend nonetheless. The Burns family were great to work with as well. And then there was.......

Heatwave. Just thinking of his name made her shiver with delight. Quickshadow slid down the wall of the berthroom and brought her knees up to herself. It amazed her how good a leader Heatwave was, even if he did make rash decisions some of the time. He made it look so easy. He was a very versatile bot too, making him essential in almost all rescues. She allowed herself a small giggle thinking about the way he talked to her last night. He was so gentle and caring...or was she getting ahead of herself? She was so sleepy from yesterday. Blurr was giving her such a hard time that she had had to chase him along a speedway for what seemed like hours. And then she couldn't use the ground bridge which made her even more tired. She had been due for some much-needed recharge and energon. Quickshadow had felt amazing when she had nodded off and fallen into recharge. Oh no. Was it right for her to just nod off on Heatwave's chassis? Was he disgusted at her now?? She had been almost oblivious that she was slowly leaning into his big...warm...chassis. Why was it so hard to get that handsome, strong, crimson mech off of her processor? She groaned aloud in frustration and lightly clutched her helm in question. After she had gone into recharge, how had she made it to that berth?


Quickshadow jerked her helm up to see the fire bot staring down on her with a smirk plastered on his face. Energon heated her face plates and she hoped it wouldn't show. She stood up quickly looking Heatwave in the optics.

"Oh I was just trying to figure out how I ended up in that berth." She replied honestly, with a hint of sass to her voice. "Not that I'm complaining...It was a really comfortable recharge." Heatwave looked flustered all of a sudden. "Well...uh...," he started. "You fell into recharge halfway into the movie and didn't wake up. So y'know, I just thought you wouldn't want to sleep on the couch so I moved you to my berth." He finished looking calm and collected.

Quickshadow wrapped her arms around herself and looked away from those enrapturing amber optics. "Well...Thank you." The femme gazed back into Heatwave's stare and she held it. Every cable in her body wanted to be grabbed by the mech and just be in his formidable arms forever. But that would be extremely unprofessional! Shouted one part of her processor. But the other part of her...

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