9. Baby Steps

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Hi readers!!! I'm so sorry for the long wait, I honestly haven't been feeling that inspired in my writing lately. But I really wanted to give you something so here it is. It's not as long as I usually do it and there's not as much dialogue as I would have liked. The next one will have some juicy Heatshadow/Quickwave scenes I promise! I'd appreciate if you could leave a comment on what you thought about it, cuz I'm not too proud of it. But for now, enjoy!!!

I also adore this picture of Blades XD it's rlly smol tho

~divedolphinea288 <3


Quickshadow stared at the black and red mech in shock. He lay on the berth as motionless as he had been the day his pod was opened. 

The femme winced at the blue liquid flowing through the tube between them, as if it were poison and not energon. Quickshadow had to admit that every minute she felt stronger. But the fact that it was Nightstrike's lifeblood flowing through her veins....it made her metal crawl. 

A beeping monitor hung above him, displaying his spark rate and energon count. Blades kept his yellow optics on it. Nightstrike stirred microscopically and a small groan left his lip components. 

Quickshadow suddenly felt extremely guilty. Did she really have any reason to not trust him?What he did to her was far in the past. He was weakening himself just so she could live. A tornado of questions and thoughts were rushing through her processor. 

Why is he helping me?

Where's Heatwave? I haven't seen him yet. 

Why are Boulder and Blades acting so strange?

His energon is so warm. 

Does he really just want me to live? 

Or are his actions.........conditional??

Her last thought made her want to squirm. But she resisted lest the energon transfusion tube come loose and start spraying its contents all over the medbay. The place would look like a crime scene. 

Blades finally removed the tube from her arm and let the rest of the excess energon drain back into Nightstrike. He closed the caps on both of their arms and Quickshadow rubbed the spot tenderly. Nightstrike's optics flung open and he managed to croak: "Done?" 

Quickshadow hadn't realized he had been awake this whole time. 

His slender face turned toward her and gave a weak smile. "How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Uh, um..I-I feel fine, th-thank you." Frag.

"Good. I'm glad. Apologies Quickshadow, but I am very tired. I must rest now." And with that, he shifted to his side and it wasn't long before Quickshadow could hear soft, consistent vents emitting from him and his broad chassis rising and falling. 

But I want to know what happened! She thought ruefully. What is wrong with me? He just gave me his energon, he deserves to rest. She sat up in her berth and brought her knees up to her chest. A question was burning inside her, making her energon boil. 

"Where's Heatwave?" she blurted. 

"He's helping High Tide with the boat. We shouldn't bother them. You should rest a little Quickshadow," Boulder said placing a servo on her shoulder plating. "The sudden energon transfusion could make you dizzy if you start doing things to quickly." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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