6. Apologies

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As the sun set on Griffin Rock, a beautiful friendship was born. Quickshadow smiled down at her new friend. She would never had thought that she would find her new Amica Endura in a human rather than a Cybertronian. Cody was special. He could be trusted, Quickshadow was sure of that. But a small pang of doubt rippled through her. So many times had she trusted the wrong people and so many times had they betrayed her. Being the becoming bot that she was, she had attracted many mechs, none of which she was really quite interested in. Some had pulled on her sparkstrings though. 

But some had yanked on them. She reminded herself. She didn't ever want to be taken advantage of again. She shuddered as the thought of the night-colored mech being questioned at this very moment. The femme wondered if he was giving Chase and the chief false information. He had such a way with words that it was hard to tell if he was lying or not. She realized that if the interrogation was to be efficient, she should have been present. Quickshadow knew that she was the only one here (and probably in the entire universe) who knew him the most. Up close and personal. She didn't want to be in a cramped room with him though......that was the last thing she wanted. Chief Burns and Chase were brilliant cops though; they could handle him. But he couldn't be trusted. Could he? Had he changed after all these vorns? It seemed highly unlikely. He looked at her with the same hunger in his optics. Talked to her with that familiar seducing purr. Touched her with the same exact needle-like digits. Nightstrike was the ultimate cause of her guilt and pain in her past. 

Was it really his fault though? Should I have just been stronger? 

No. What he did was unforgivable. 

Heatwave's temper was mostly quenched by now, but he still felt angered at the arrival of this new mech. He was also still kinda upset at a certain femme. He wasn't really sure where he should be directing his anger. Time to manage his anger. Heatwave-style.

Point 1: He knew Quickshadow and loved and cherished her, even when she was a little annoying. 

Point 2: He did not know this new Nightspike or Nightscythe or whatever the frag his name was, and he did NOT like the way he looked at Quickshadow, or touched her or made her nervous or look at him with disgust. Heatwave decidedly did not like this mech. AT. ALL.

Yep. Okay, so be mad at Nightslice and not be mad at Quickshadow. Sounds good for now. 

The red mech walked past the room where the interrogation was being held. He perked up his audials and could faintly hear soft voices from the other side. He hoped Chase and Chief weren't having any trouble with that guy. But who was he kidding? This was the best police duo he knew, of course everything would go smoothly. Still, there was something off about that black mech. Obviously something that involved Quickshadow, but that wasn't it. Something else.

Heatwave knew the hour was almost up and decided to go check on Quickshadow. Just in case. He had seen her go up the elevator platform with Cody, so he was guessing they were outside. As he made his way to the garage, Heatwave's processor whirred.

Why was she spending time with Cody now?

Does she like him more than me?

Nah that is ridiculous.

They've been gone a long time.

Have they been talking this whole time?

Sharing their secrets? 

Is Quickshadow telling Cody things she would never trust me with to hear?

Would Cody tell me if I asked him?

No, that would be nosy and way too obvious. 

Are they talking about me?

Heatwave clutched him helm in frustration. He was probably overthinking it. They probably just wanted to go someplace quiet to talk like friends always do. Yeah that was it. Right? 

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