5. A Boy and A Femme

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A surprised gasp was shared by all present in the room. Nightstrike found it amusing, Quickshadow found it annoying.

"Y-You two...worked together??" Blades faltered. He looked from the special ops femme to the special ops mech, shock flickering across his face plates as if he couldn't fathom the two ever working as a team. Which seemed like a reasonable reaction, considering the previous events. 

Quickshadow crossed her arms over her chassis and huffed. "Yes, we were teammates. We're not teammates anymore." She glared at Nightstrike with pure, thick hatred.

The black bot lifted a servo to his chassis and gave her a hurt expression. "As much as those words pain me, my darling femme, I must ask you to consider me being your partner once again."

The way Nightstrike called her his "darling femme", it sent chills running up her backstrut. Apparently, Heatwave noticed and took an intimidating step towards the newcomer. "I think she's made it perfectly clear that she doesn't like you at all, much less want to be your teammate again. She's one of us...so the only way you could ever be a teammate is to join us...which I don't think I'll be allowing anytime soon." Venom dripped from the crimson mech's words making Nightstrike wince a little. The black and red mech noticed a slight blue blush on the femmebot's faceplates. What was that all about? He could figure it out later. Right now,  he knew that the only possible way for them to trust him completely was for them to trust him more than Quickshadow. He decided to win over the humans first and work his way through the bots...the orange and green ones seemed easiest. The blue one might be tricky seeing as he was a law-enforcing mech and would probably view him suspiciously. And the one named Heatwave...He would be the hardest. He seemed to have a certain affection for the femme despite his responsibility of protecting his entire team. Nightstrike smiled inside. He knew when a bot was in love. It was laughable. Did this sorry excuse for a mech really think he could have a chance at Quickshadow when he was here? The black bot would have to establish dominance...Quickshadow was his, and his only

A deviously charming snicker appeared on his face as he gazed at the slender femme, making Quickshadow's face plates heat up. "Don't get yourself in a twist, Quickshadow." He purred, making her cooling fans kick on. "I know I have not made honorable decisions in the past and I apologize if my presence has made you uncomfortable." His comely faceplates shifted into a meaningful expression. "Let us let bygones be bygones...can we start over?"

Nightstrike reached out a servo to her, his long, thin digits having an asking grace to them. Quickshadow hesitated before extending her arm and placing her servo cautiously in his. The night-colored mech laced his digits to envelope hers. He gently pulled her closer and reached out his other servo to touch her face plates affectionately. Quickshadow tried not to squirm under his touch and could feel energon pulsating violently in her cheeks. She wanted to pull away from him but couldn't. She was frozen in place like she was awake in stasis.

"I've missed you terribly, partner. It's been so lonesome without you by my side." Quickshadow quickly looked away from him. He could feel her shake mildly which was so unlike the strong, composed femme. A growl emitted from Heatwave as he balled his servos into fists. Okay...this is not how you earn trust.

Nightstrike removed his servo from Quickshadow's face and placed it on her shoulder plating instead. "Hopefully we can still be friends after all these cycles. Would you be so kind as to introduce me to your team?" 

Quickshadow rolled her optics. She stepped back from him, regaining her own space, and gestured a servo to the others. "These are the Rescue Bots," she started and indicated to each one. "Heatwave, Boulder, Blades, and Chase. And the humans are the Burns family. Chief Burns, Graham, Dani, Kade, and Cody." She turned back to Nightstrike with a stern face. "They are not only my team, but my family, Nightstrike. I used to be on the special ops agency back on Cybertron with you, Silvermoon, and Rapidfire." she recalled the two other bots that she had worked alongside with so often that they had felt like family. "But now I have a new mission, and that mission is to rescue and protect." her icy glare softened slightly. "Sneaking around and retrieving is not part of my job description anymore."

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