Seventeen- A do over.

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Zoey POV

"Im pregnant,zoey"

I stare at my mom like she had two heads. At first,I thought it was a joke and I laughed. But as soon as I discovered it wasn't,I began to worry.

"You are not gonna say anything?" She frowns
I actually don't know what to say so I just stood still.

"It's ok if you don't want the child zoey,I could just abort it,it's not a big deal" she sighs

"No ma,no-it's not -its not what I mean....i didn't mean it that way mother...I'm just surprised,oh my God mother...I'm so happy for you" my mother beamed like a 4 year old kid.

"So,you are saying that I can keep it?" She looked at me hopefully. I wonder why she needs my permission to keep the child.

"Of course,yes. Is that even a question " I gave her a hug and she smiles.

I've never seen her this happy in a while.

I miss my mom.

"How long " I asked

"About two months" she said.

I gasp "oh my gosh mother!! kept this from me for two months" I yelled happily

"No, I fell ill about two weeks ago, then carter told me to see a doctor and when I did, I was asked to do a full body test and the results came out last week."

" I was not sure if you'd approve of it and I didn't know how you'd feel about it so I looked for the perfect time to tell you, I'm sorry from keeping it from you for this long baby" she said and suddenly found interest in her fingers

" it's fine mom...soon,we would be having a child running around in this house" I smiled

" yeah...." she trails off

" what's wrong momma?" She looks worried.

"Nothing baby, just take your breakfast and go to work" she fakes a smile.

"Alright mom, what about carter,what does he think about you having the baby" I asked and she froze.

Uhh uhh

"He doesn't know about it yet?" I asked.

"N-No" she suddenly became emotional "I don't know what he would say, I-I don't w-want to loose carter" she sobs

" come on ma, he might love the situation, you can't hide it from him forever"

" I know" she sighs

"I could talk to him,if you don't mind" I suggested

" no!, I'd tell him myself,later today" she muttered

"You are not gonna tell him yet hun?" I raised my brow

"I-uhh-ughhh...I don't know really , I don't know how he'd take it, he never said anything bout having kids, I feel like he might hate me for that" she sighs

"Mother!"I gave her a hug "you are thinking too much about the whole situation, carter is a good guy and he loves you too much to just leave cause of a baby, just tell him" I said

"Thank you zoey"

" oh my goodness mother, stop acting like a teenager, I'm not the mother here" she laughs

"Oh,and mother, you need to stop drinking for the sake of your health and my brother's"

" oh zoey, you are so backward. I stop drinking two weeks ago, when I fell ill and who said it's a boy anyway? " she asked

"It better be a boy,or you are getting another one immediately after that" I said and she laughed.

"I miss having you like this mom" I hugged her again

"Awwwn,I'm sorry baby"

" Alright, celebration over,I'm starving" said and walked back up stairs

" Always hungry" she whisper shouted

"I heard that momma" I yelled back

"You were supposed to" she laughed

Ding dong

"There is someone by the door zoey" she said
"I'd get it" I turned

"I didn't know you were expecting someone" she said

"I'm not" I said and I opened the door.

"Hey" It was a delivery man with a package probably for Mum

" hi, this the residence of zoey Rollins?" He asked

"Yep,I am she"

" alright,this is yours,you'd have to sign here..and" I took the paper and signed

"Thank you " I said and locked the door

"Who was that zoey" mum asked from the kitchen.

"Someone was nice to send me a package ..come let's see what's in it" I said and I opened it.

There was a box of chocolate and some biscuits and a bottle of red wine and there was a note.

I miss you so much Zoe,I wish I was here when you needed me, I promise to visit all the time now, I love you.
From the best of the best of the best friends in the word.


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