2: 0.4

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Sorry this took so long :(  I had so much work and like 10 family birthdays... BUT THANKS SO MUCH FOR 80K OMG

Comment of the day as usual:

Comment of the day as usual:

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Best name. Best comment.


"Anddddddnthatswhy youuuuuuuu don't give a screwwwewwww diver-div-dRiver to a a a a... a chiCken!" Everyone exploded in laughter, Dae slumping back in his chair with a sense of satisfaction.

"Dude, yourrrr just like - the man? You know?" Jackson was the most drunk out of all, it was clear by how many empty glasses stood at his side of the table.

"Jacky boy, you imbecile! There are many a men-men in this vEry fancy- fine establishment!" Mi swung her arm to the tables around, one seeming to be as drunk as theirs. "Wait, is that.... it's boy!"

"W-whO?" Dae stood up, hands on his hips. He followed Mi-sun's wobbly arm to the similarly drunk table full of drunk teens. The eldest was dancing on the table to lady gaga, but that didn't stop him from being extremely attractive.

"It-it's mr boy! HEY BOY! I HAVE YOUR CAT!" The girl sprinted over, and pushed into their group. She tugged at his pants until the dancing male finally jumped down, seeing what she wanted.

From Daes view, no words could be heard. But as soon as he saw them both hug, he was filled with rage. Harshly, his arms tugged a sleepy Jackson up to his feet and they marched over.

"Who areeeee you! And what you do want-want from us?" Dae pushed his shoulder back, trying to bring Mi back to their table.

"No! This is my- the - it's mr boy! I'm the cold girl!" Mi practically jumped out of Daes grasp and into the other boys. She rummaged in her handbag for a few minutes carelessly before pulling out some computer tech. "It's your cat!"

The boys eyes shook as he seemed to sober up slightly. "My... mouse...?" He took it from her and checked the back. It definitely was his. "Your the wet- the soggy cold girl!"

They both hugged once again, Dae still completely lost. Everyone returned to their seats, but to Dae's dismay the new boy joined their table too. He kept his arm around Mi-suns shoulders, and they seemed to be laughing about an incident Dae didn't know of.

"HEY!" Finally, Jackson shot up and disrupted the boy and girls chatter. "Your-your a stalker! StAP following me ERIC!" The group stared at the dribbling boys.

"JAcksooooon WanKer, I AM NOT!" The dancer one again was up on a table, dancing angrily to somehow prove a point. The whole atmosphere was chaos. "I am dAncing, you fOllowEd me here! yOUR tHE stALKER!"

"I'm off to the bATHING ROOMS! Don't follow me, eriK nAm!" Jackson jumped to his feet and slowly drifted across the club floor. The other follower, swearing loudly he wasn't a stalker but also needed to pee.

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