Chapter 34, 35, 36

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Leo x Esme

Esme and Leo were sitting in Splinter's circle of candles, practicing some basic sign language. Things they could use while they were staying here in the Lair as well as a few others. Then, Esme and Leo signed a few sentences.

"I am E-S-M-E (Esme). I am the sister of K-H-L-O-E (Khloe). You are L-E-O (Leo), the oldest brother and son of father Splinter. You live under the ground with your family and now, my sisters and I are staying here, too."

Esme signed a bit slower for Leo because it would have just been a blur to Leo. And the word "splinter" was actually the sign for "sliver" since they both meant the same in ASL. The sign was you hold out your left hand flat with all fingers touching one another and the palm, pointing towards the ground with your right hand in the same position, but resting upright on top of your left hand, slightly moving back and forth, then following it up with your index finger, pointing and sliding towards your wrist as if something is stuck.

Very good, Leo. You've done all the signs didn't sign "home" correctly, Esme frowned slightly. See, you're putting your fingers on your temple. You sign the word, "home" by putting your fingers below your lower lip, then on your cheekbone to show where you eat and sleep.

Leo signed again correctly this time around.

There, that's better. I think that's enough sign language for you, today. There's something else I wanted to show you and Master Splinter....Watch closely....

Esme had in front of her several black Chinese rice bowls, each filled with different things. One bowl had a few pieces of silver. The others had water, muddy sewer water, a few seeds (rose, lily, sunflower, carnation), small pebbles, flint and an oval piece of iron with some dried out leaves and grass.

She took the water first and used her telekinesis to make it change from water to ice and back to water and then made it boil until it evaporated into gas. Then, she froze the water again and quickly made it evaporate, making dry ice as it gave off a fog-like gas (sublimation). Then, to finish off, she made condensate into snow, made a snowball and told Leo "ssshh" by putting her finger to her lips, turning around and sent the snowball flying until it slammed into the back of Angelique's head. She purified the muddy water, made it a snowball and plowed Leo with it. The snow was stuck in her hair and nearly covered her in snow since the ball was about the size of a grapefruit. Unfortunately, it messed up Angel's little videogame tournament with Mikey, making him beat her at the last minute (they were playing Mario Kart).

Her head jerked forward and turned around to face Angel and Leo on the other side of the turtle's Lair.

"What the hell!?! Who did this?!"

Esme bent her arm at the elbow and pointed her thumb behind her at Leo, who was frosty with the snowball Esme hurled at him.

"Leo!!!" She screeched in a harsh tone.

"NO!!! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!! It was HER!" He pointed at Esme, but she raised her hands.

My hands are clean, sis.

Angel teleported and, in an instant, she was in Leo's face. "Listen very closely, turtle toes. The next time you mess with me while I'm in the game zone, you'll be snacking on your own teeth. Got it?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Goooood." Angel hummed angelically. "By the way, what d'you think of my sister?"

"She's beautiful."

Esme smiled and blushed red.

"Yes, she is. Now if you'll excuse me..." She teleported again and within minutes, she was back in the game zone, smoking Mikey at every single video game he had as well as her own that she brought.

Mixed Chemistry (TMNT 2014-16 fanfic) Prologue and 1st ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now