Chapter 7 (Edited)

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Julia looked on at the stunned people standing in her foyer. What was going on? the look on Geralt's face showed he knew Yennefer and the child. Shaking her head to clear away the jealousy and confusion that was clouding her mind, and remembering her role as mistress Julia jumped into action. "Jolna please go fetch Hannah and Ruth, apologies for me for the late hour, but ask them to set up the guest bedroom. Once you have done that please ask Nessie for a tray of hot chocolate" Turning to Yennefer she asked "have you and your charge had anything to eat on the road?" realizing that she was being spoken to Yennefer turned her gaze from Geralt and addressed Julia "Yes we stopped about 4 hours back and ate" Julia nodded at the response "You must be tired come follow me, you can rest in the library while your room is being made" at that she turned and led the trio down to the library.

Geralt sat on the sofa, Ciri curled up with her head in his lap. Staring at the child he was amazed that she was here. She was now asleep after having had her hot chocolate and then snuggling into him. He studied her face, her pale skin, flaxen hair and little lips that were slightly parted as she slept. He could never quite get over how much he loved her, every time had to leave her his heart would break. Never in his life had he thought he could love another human being like this until he found her.

 Julia was sitting in her armchair, Yennefer in the other armchair, both looking into the fire. There had not been much conversation other than a pleasantry, Yennefer looked like she had an avalanche of words she would like to say to Geralt, but she held back in Julia's company. Julia also looked like she had a question for Geralt too which is why he was so grateful that Ciri was here sleeping in his lap otherwise who knows what would have transpired.

Jolna stood at the door looking into the library. One asleep the others staring into the flame's, conversation halted. The tension seemed like hard energy pulsing from the room. Disturbing the silence Jolna announced that the room was ready. Geralt shifted his weight and picked up the sleeping Ciri in his arms and followed Yennefer and Jolna to the room, Julia followed behind. The room was nicely set up with a fire in the corner and a poster bed in the centre that Yennefer and Ciri would share. Warming pads had been placed under the covers so when Geralt lay Ciri down it was not onto cold sheets.

Julia watched as Geralt covered her and kissed Ciri on the forehead a hand sneaked out looking for his, but he just tucked it back in the blankets and whispered goodnight. Julia knew that feeling to be without his warmth and felt sorry for the little girl. Geralt and Yennefer stood staring at each other for what seemed an eternity, the jealousy that was steadily consuming her mind caused Julia to snap, she could not cope with it anymore and with an authoritative voice said "Goodnight Yennefer, I hope you sleep well we will talk in the morning. Come Geralt its time for bed." That seemed to break the spell over Geralt as he immediately moved to follow Julia away from the room and away from Yennefer.

Geralt followed Julia down the hall, how did this all go downhill so fast, he wasn't aware of where they were until the door closed behind him. Julia moved to stand in the middle of her chambers. The fire was crackling in the corner of the room and she wordlessly went and sat in her chair staring into the flames. Not sure what to do but want to make sure she was ok he moved towards her and sat at her feet. Terrified that he had messed up any chance he had with Julia he rushed out an apology, "Julia, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about them. I hadn't worked up the courage yet" his shoulders slumped as if the world currently rested on them.

A warm hand reached over and touched his shoulder, the warmth and pressure seemed too easy some of his tension. "Geralt your shoulders feel like rocks," Julia said as she rose to leave him in front of the fire, he felt rather than saw her move about the room gathering items. His mind now consumed with regret and fear. He was caught by surprised when she knelt in front of him. Looking him in the eye she reached up and began unbuttoning his shirt, "W..what are you doing?" he stammered reaching up to stop her, but the blush that crept up her face stopped him. Julia continued to remove his shirt then returned to sit behind him again. Dripping oil on his shoulders she began massaging the hard, tense muscles.

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