Chapter 13~

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"Aaaaand, we are... good... to go." Jonas reported cheerfully, dragging out each word. "Now you just call her!"

Abby shared one last hesitant look with Francesca before firmly pressing the 'call' button on her cell phone. It rang once, and then twice, and then three times. Frankie bit her lip nervously as a fourth ring started, but Alyssa picked up just then. "Hello?

"Alyssa! We haven't heard from you since yesterday! Is something wrong?" Abby announced theatrically, a convincing tone of worry in her voice.

"Uh, no, everything's fine. Is everything okay with you guys?" Alyssa answered back, sounding suspicious.

"Well, yeah, but of course we're worried about Zera. And you, since you seemed to know more than us and then kinda disappeared..." Chesca told her, taking advantage of the speaker phone.

"Frankie? Hi there, didn't know I was on speaker... You guys having a party without me?"

Though they knew she was joking, the girls shared a quick, slightly terrified glance before answering. "Nah, it would only be a party if you and Zera were here. Otherwise it's not quite the same." Abby said honestly. As Alyssa was answering, Jonas gave them a thumbs-up signal, announcing they had Alyssa's location.

"Well, I'm glad to hear from you guys. Zera is doing a bit better, but I have to go. Sorry to cut the conversation short," Alyssa apologized, chuckling a little nervously.

"Alright, it's good that she's okay. Talk to you soon, right?" Abby and Frankie asked at the same time, glaring at each other for the synchronization.

Alyssa laughed again, though it still sounded kind of forced. "Yeah, okay. Bye guys!"

"Bye!" The other two echoed just before they hung up. They looked at Stephen and Jonas, who grinned and nodded. Jonas walked forward with a slip of paper held in his left hand, giving it to the girls with an unnecessary flourish.

"There you go, ladies. The location of Alyssa, and most likely my sister." He declared.

"Can we trust you guys not to go to them yourselves?" Frankie asked darkly, a threat forming in her mind if Stefven gave them a negatory reply.

But Zera's stalker just cackled at the blond, only saying he could make any promises in-between gasps for breath.

The girls glared at him yet again, before turning and striding out of the room, leaving the house and it's crazy occupants behind.

"We'll have to move quickly. If he thinks Zera is with Alyssa, he'll try to get her as soon as possible," Frankie muttered, a hint of fear for her friend's safety quickening her pace and making her voice quiver.

Abbigal nodded, also afraid and nervous. "Let's go. I just hope we can get there before Stefven."

They were quiet as they drove away, but eventually the silence was broken.

"Maybe we shouldn't have asked for his help."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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