Chapter 5~ The Flight and the Spell

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        The first hour or so of the ten hour flight was spent with me, Alfred, Kiku, and often Gilbert discussing the best video games for each genre. Because while I'm an avid athlete, I'm also an exstensive gamer. We argued about RPGs, PVPs, and first-person shooters until the others finally told us to shut up. The rest of the flight was spent sleeping.

        *~time skip to end of flight (cause nothing happens while they're asleep, duh)~*

        My eyes flutter open as a voice over the PA system announces we would land soon. I slowly remember everything that happened yesterday as I realize my head is resting on something warm. I look up to see Matthew's purple-blue eyes, and his curl dangling in front of my face. His cheeks are lightly reddened, causing me to blush as well. I push myself off of him into a sitting position, yawning as I do so.

        "Sorry, Matthew. I didn't realize I was leaning on you." I stretch my arms above my head, trying to wake myself up. I stand up to strech my long legs, and hear his mumbled "It's okay."

        We all climb off the plane, and grab my luggage. Apparently I was the only one that had anything with me. Arthur led us out to a waiting limo. God only knows why a limo. The chauffer puts my bags in the trunk as the ten guys and myself find seats.

        I end up in the back with Kiku, but I drift off to sleep before the limo has even pulled into the driving lane.

        ~3rd POV while Zera sleeps~

        It was a short drive to the Nordics' estate, and no one talked. They were too tired to try making conversation. By the time the limo pulled up in front of the mansion, Zera was sleeping deeply.

        The guys climbed out, but realize she hadn't followed. They start to argue about what to do.

        "We should wake her up, she slept the whole flight!"

        "No, she's been through a lot of stres, she needs rest!"

        Arthur kept telling them to stop fighting so they could get her inside, but he was ignored.

        After a few minutes of this, Gilbert finally just reached into the limo and picked her up. He carried her princess-style to the front door, while Arthur knocked. The other guys finally stopped shouting at each other when they heard Arthur's knuckles rapping against the wooden door.

        It was opened by Iceland, his violet eyes glinting in the dim light. Everyone filed in as Iceland led them to the others. They entered a large room, with a circle of symbols carved into the stone floor. Chairs had been brought into the room, and were spread along the walls.

        It was here that the other Nordics and Romania were waiting. Romania started to say something, but was hushed.

        "She's asleep. We can do the spell without waking her." Arthur spoke softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

        Norway nodded. "Prussia, put her in the middle of the rune circle. Then everybody sit down, and you can't interrupt. No matter what."

        The other countries nodded solemnly as they took their seats. Gilbert carefully lowered Zera to the floor, then found a seat of his own.

        Norway, England, and Romania stood around the edge of the circle, equally spaced. They began chanting, in a language only they understood. The runes etched into the floor began to glow; a deep, shimmering indigo. Zera was lifted off of the ground, floating a few inches above the stone. The watching countries gaped at the scene.

        ~1st POV: back to Zera~

        My eyes flew open as a warmth burned through me. Every part of me felt like it was on fire, yet I could not scream. I felt nothing against me, only air. The heat scorching through me burned hotter, and I took a breath to scream, cry, anything.

        But I didn't, because I suddenly realized it didn't hurt. I felt intense heat, but it wasn't even uncomfortable. I begin to notice a bright light eminating from somewhere, something. But before I can pinpoint its source, I pass out.

To Do List: Escape Stalker, Hetalia is Real? (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now