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"please open your eyes"

"baby mommy is here"

"please come back to us bright"

Whisper, I only hear the whisper but why i can't move? Why it's so dark here? Win? Where is my win? Why I can't hear his beautiful voice.

"darling please come back"

I abruptly open my eyes and then close it again because of the sun light that hits my eyes, i heard the curtain being closed so i tried to open my eyes again and there i saw my mother crying at my side my father is on her side gently patting her back but why they are the only people here?

"what happened? Where am i? Where is win?"

I ask them but they only give me a confuse look, what happen? Why I'm feeling bad?

"darling who is win?"

My mother confuse ask me she is now stop crying but the confuse look on his face still there like i said something weird.

Why she can't remember win? I fucking sure they met and she approve of our relationship and why she was with my dad? Did they make up?

"Mom, win! My boyfriend! Wait did you make up now? Does dad approve of my relationship with win?"

The looks on their face when i asked them is still confusing why the fuck they look me like I'm hallucinating?

"bright, there is no win and me and your father didn't fight what are you talking about?"

My mom ask, she gently touch my hands where the stupid dextrose are.

I look at them begging to them to say that they are joking that my win is hiding somewhere but no my mother begun to cry again so i am.

" bright we are sorry for leaving you alone in our house, we are sorry for not seeing that you feel lonely after dean died"

I look at my dad what he was talking about the fuck dean died? But I'm the one who has disease why the fuck dean will die? Did he kill himself because of fei? Damn what the fuck is really happening.

"mom dad the fuck you two are saying! Dean is fucking a live! I'm the one who has disease that's why I'm fucking here! So let's stop this fucking shit! Win come out this is not funny at all!!!"


Bright remove all the things in his body he was about to stand but before he could the two nurse come up to him but they can't stop bright from tossing until the doctor come up to them.

The doctor is beautiful she was like 152 cm her hair color is hazel nut brown the way of her eye held so much love bright know exactly who she is.


All of the people in the small room look at bright her mother is crying at his father embrace, the doctor look at her back making sure that she was the one that bright calling for and she's right because every step she take bright watching it like he saw a dead girl come to her life.

"Hello mr bright, my name is mariel I'm here to exp-"

"No you are fei! The one that my brother love"

Bright cut her off, damn bright is so sure that this fei so why they are fucking denied it?

"I will explain everything mr bright, I am mariel your doctor for about 1 year now"

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