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"Hello is this sky the friend of bright?"

Sky and his friends are in his dorm playing games in their cellphone when he receive a call in unknown number.

"yes who is this?"

"I'm the waiter of love bar your friend is completely mess, he has blood over his own hand as he broke the glass of beer . He refuse to go on hospital so I decided just to call you"

Sky immediately off the call as he and their friends run out of his condominium.

"What happen sky? Where are we going at this hour?"

Gun asking as they are confuse of what is going on.

"Bright, he needs us"

Sky said as they run to the parking lot

"Huh? He is in his house right?"

Top added

"No, He is in the love bar, totally mess"

"You know what if he only let us talk to win, he wouldn't suffer like this"

Top continue the two only sigh at what top said, because yes if only bright let them talk to win none of them will suffer like this.

Sky and his friends found bright in love bar, they use to go here whenever they are celebrating or someone is in pain that's why the staff here know them.

There bright is sleeping in one of the table, bright is completely mess.

His clothes are wet due to his own sweat, his hands are cover by his own blood, his face has strained of his own tears.

They brought back bright into sky's condominium because they won't let the parents of bright see him completely mess.

The morning came, bright wake up with headache as if someone hit his head using a hammer.

"Oh you are awake"

Sky said as he walk out in the restroom

"Why am i here? Did win brought me here?"

sky only look at bright with a sad smile as he sat beside bright.

"No, One of the staff contact me so we hurriedly pick you up you are in complete mess"

Bright nod at the statement of sky as he remember what happened that day

"Look, you should confess to him bright, stop being a coward"

"You don't understand sky, Win h-he might g-got expelled in school and t-that is the l-list i want to happen with him"

Bright voice cracked as he remember how he tried to hide his relationship with win just for dean not to use win against him but guess luck isn't with bright.

" Hey, stop being selfless bright you are hurting yourself and win too"

Sky knows everything about bright secret and he wish dean could rot in hell right now.

Sky was there in the very beginning of the relationship of brightwin, he was there but he choose to be silent supporter of two when that day come.

"I-i love him so much, B-but I-i know he probably hate me"

Bright sob, as he couldn't stop his tears from falling.

Every memories of him and win come flashing like a river to him.

The time he was showing how he so attracted to win but win thought that was act of kindness.

The time when he totally had the courage to said to win he love him but instead of hug win slap him out of being shock.

The time when win finally said 'I love you' to him in the park, he feels like he was in cloud nine that time.

" W-win doesn't deserve all this pain, how ridiculous our situation is. I-Imagine sky I-I was trying everything I can just to protect him from every pain but l-look I-I'm the one causing it"

Bright kept on crying, he doesn't care if he looks like a kid who lost his ice cream, All bright wants is to cry and cry until every pain of he was feeling gone.

" Why don't you come out with your parents already?" sky said as he tap the shoulder of bright who immediately look at him "You are their son, I'm sure they will support you" he continue

"A-are you kidding? M-my parents will get mad! My father might take away the scholarship of win"

Bright parents is the owner of the academy where him and win is studying. Win is very intelligent in everything, he is smart kid that's why he passed in the scholarship.

The academy is the dream school of win, even before when him and bright meet he always love to go to that academy even that is far from where he was living, Win love to look at how beautiful that academy, he always visit it and praying that someday he will might pass the entrance exam.

Bright come to know that win will be study in their academy when he once come to win thinking they will just go to normal school. Win doesn't know that the parents of bright is the owner of the academy because bright doesn't want win to belittle to himself. So even the family of bright wants him to study abroad he turn them dowm because his happiness will attend in their academy.

The father of bright is homophobic ever since though he knows dean being bisexual, at first he got mad but after the mother of dean convince him he learn to accept dean, after all dean isn't the one who will inherit the school. While his mother is a silent one, she rarely show her affection to bright because she believes bright need to be a brave man so that no one in this world can hurt him the way the world hurt her. his parents are always busy in their work that's why bright become independent. Just like win bright is smart too, he is always on top because he want his parents to be proud of him though they already are.

Dean he is iillegitimate child of bright father. It happen when bright is 2 years old his dad had a mistress whom he dearly love over his wife fortunately to bright mom the mistress of his father died due to heart attack when dean is 12 years old and bright mom being a nice girl she is accepted dean like his own child.

Though after that bright mom and dad become cold to each other especially his mother the only thing that keeping bright family is him because his mother doesn't want bright to experience the pain she felt when her family got divorce.

"Stop crying, I got you"

Sky said as he handed the tissue to bright who gladly accept it

"What you mean?"

Bright ask after he wipe the tears in his eyes.

" I will talk to win"

"D-don't! dean might find out!"

"tss, I'm not a coward like you, plus he will not know it's me" sky said as he genuine smile to bright. "now go shower you smell like hell" he continue as he push bright off to bed.


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