1st July.

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This is me writing to past me. You did it, it's over. IGCSE is officially over for you, it's done, it's past now. Three years of hell are over. You're free, you made it and you're OUT.

Celebrate everyday, live the way you always wanted to, carry on and learn from these three.

Celebrate every 1st July because you survived, you're a survivor.

It's past us now, you are free.

Remember when you were wishing it'll be over? IT IS! YOU DON'T HAVE TO FEEL LIKE A FAILURE ANYMORE!

You can now live have the time of your life. It's done.


These past three years were living hell for me, I never wanted something to end this badly. I wished I was free and I felt like I was chained and caged in society's standards and my grades. I was being tortured for something that was not in my hands. I couldn't control it, I certainly couldn't change it no matter what I did. I couldn't accepted it which made it 100x harder and made me hate myself even though I didn't deserve this. I hated myself for not being able to make my parents happy and for feeling jealous of people who did it specially my best friend whom I will lose shortly. I feel alive even though I can't go out of my house and i didn't celebrate making a huge party. I simply got my fav. desert and wished I would never have to feel like this ever again. I'm glad it's over and

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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