Dreams, Goals, Ambitions.. "Shut the fuck up u can't do it."

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"Ohhhhhh gosh! i really wanna achieve my awesome super-cool dreams! gonna change the world! Gonna make everything better! yeeeeah!"

*spits mashed potatoes and laughs so loud* " you think you're gonna change the world? no honey, you'll end up like you're grandpa. Die alone, nobody knows who the heck you were pfff. *uncontrollably laughs again* change the world huh pfff. if it's that easy, everyone would've done it kiddo go study maybe you'll get to be a doctor and actually do something ha ha." 

HA HA? That was a huge amount of concentrated negative energy that would help destroying an entire village... 

*sad music plays at the background as i SOB uncontrollably* 

I get mad when someone  crushes another persons' dreams, they do crush them with words. And it makes it harder to watch, it's like, you get these little knifes that get released from your mouth and aim it straight into someone's soul. Dreams are hope, and without hope and purpose there comes no life! so if you're a miserable person who doesn't believe in themselves just suppress it and don't spit it in other peoples' fucking souls! 

I'm into film-making and i made a couple of short videos, trying to practice whatever i learned from youtube. and when i showed them to my family they were stunned! they told me to go on and the suppor- *CUUUUT* #REALITY #TIME they told me to shut the fu-

*After working six hours on a video* " hey sis, check this out! it's my first though"*enthusiastically opens the laptop* 

"wait, i gotta finish talking to Sally first." *continues on texting and giggling.* 

"okay..." *waits*


"it's just 16 seconds long.." 

"uhhhhh, fine!" *locks phone screen and look at the laptop*

"here" *starts playing the video* *video ends* "my first.." 

"it's............ nice," *opens up phone and continue texting.*

"I. WORKED. SIX. DAMN. HOURS!" *says as she jump off the roof.*

yup this is how it goes, pretty awful. 

Even if you didn't like it, IT WAS HER FIRST! Maybe if you just considered giving your god damn sibling half a minute telling them how awesome it would be if they worked really hard on it the next time and made it even cooler and maybe give them  ideas about how cool it would be if they fixed the fucking lighting in the room? 

  " hey sis, check this out! it's my first though"*enthusiastically opens the laptop* 

"What's up?" *says as she locks down her fucking phone and pays fucking attention to her sibling* 

"i just made my first video!" 

"wow! play it on" *says as they both watch the 16-second long video like a normal supporting fucking sibling* 

"ohh that was cool! i mean it needs a bit of work, but i'm pretty sure you'll do cooler next time. i like this one though!" *says while totally faking it but doing it for the sake of her fucking sibling.*

"oh my gosh! thanks! i'll work on my next!" *says so happily feeling good about the hard work that she has put in the 16 fucking second video but magically feels like it payed off*

"make sure to show me!" * says as she hopes the next one would be better than this crappy shit.*

"sure!" * says and actually work so fucking hard on the next video learning about film-making from Youtube and remembering that her sister actually wants to see what she'll be doing next so she works damn hard to entertain her sister on the next one. Finally after 3 weeks she create her first short movie with hella good lighting and audio plus awesome story, script and shooting. shows to her sister whom then appreciated it so much and secretly fangirled about the movie. 15 years later the girl becomes a famous film director and already won 2 academy awards and while receiving the award, she gives a speech about how she made it here and how her sister was the reason she's here.*

SEE? It's a win-win situation. You'll get to be the guardian angel who was the reason of someone's success OR... THE FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT BITCH THAT DOESN'T DESERVE TO HAVE A DAMN TONGUE DUE TO USING IT AS FUCKING SWORDS THAT LEADS PEOPLE TO FAILURE! 

You seriously don't have to like the content, or appreciate it, but at least leave it alone. Just fake it. If you want to criticize then make DAMN SURE that you do it nicely, and actually aimfully in attempt to make this person better, to make this person improve in whatever they do. Don't be the wall they'll have to break so they can reach their distention. Believe me it's not cool. especially when it's someone who looks up to you. Someone who you actually mean to. They probably wanted you're opinion for a reason. 

And as for you dreamers out there, here's a special tip for you, NEVER. TALK. ABOUT. YOUR. GOALS. I mean, who you wanna be, what you want to major, because some people out there think that it's so fucking dumb of you or they think that whatever you wanna do is absolute bullshit and won't be of any good. That IS their opinions, you ain't changing it! it's their mind, you won't just delete their opinion and add another one. Don't talk, work. If you wanna sing, work on your vocals or whatever, sing alone, you don't have to let everybody know. If you wanna be a chief, work on it, watch youtube videos and cook and practice. i know that sometimes you'll need people to actually support you, you'll need someone to believe in you. but, do you believe in yourself? If no, then you should, because humans can learn anything; if you checked out some videos about why the human brain is great, you'll believe in whatever you feel yourself in. even if singing turned out to be not your interests anymore, you'll come across it someday. But it's okay to fail, you did it several times. Before you walked, you used to try but you failed and fell on the ground, did you give up? You absolutely didn't you got back up and tried, this time harder and stronger. You learned that you can't walk on that toy anymore because it will stumble you down so you avoid it, and now you master walking. While learning, you fail, so you learn more and more. 

Here's a small video for you. My favorite. 

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