Your Own Hero.

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What I'm about to say could be summarized in those 3 cliche words: Strong Independent Woman. I'm just gonna make it a tiny bit longer.

From the day we're born, we start to rely on people. As Kids, we rely mostly on our mothers, as teenagers, we rely on our friends and as adults, i guess.. partners.

It's like, people are made to need other people. We can't live alone. Loneliness is a nightmare. I agree, like 100% true, but we cannot just ignore the fact that nowadays people are assholes. Like we live in a planet of idiots, assholes, rapists and murderers. Nobody is true, everyone's fake. But still, we need each other. So how to deal with that? It's simple, don't let them affect you.

Make friends, but keep in mind that they'll never last and some might turn out to be assholes.

Love somebody, but keep in mind that somehow, sometime they'll just leave you.

Be kind to someone, but don't expect them to do the same to you. In short, there's only one you in this world, so never expect anyone would do the same things you do. Just don't expect anything at all.

That way, when they leave you or hurt you, you won't be deeply affected. You won't hurt that much because you knew from the very beginning that they're assholes.

Now the next thing you do is to enjoy your own company. Learn to hang out with yourself, find joy in not needing people. Talk to yourself, be friends with yourself, just love yourself. It sounds as if I'm asking you to masterbate lol, but it's true. Don't rely on people to make you happy, make YOU happy.

I'm not saying you should isolate yourself or anything, but like give people 60% of your life and the other 40% for yourself. Just learn to not get hurt by them and to have them just because, you as a human, need them. Be your own hero darling cause nobody will save you except yourself.

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