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"And the memories came flooding back. I forgot how it hurts."

Y/n's POV:

I groaned softly, stretching my arms above my head and my toes curled. Peeling my eyes open, I rubbed the grogginess away with the backs of my hands, looking beside me to see Harley sleeping soundly. Her nose twitched a few times before she opened her eyes, smiling tiredly at me.

"Hmorning," she murmured, covering her mouth when she yawned.

"Hey." I husked, throwing the covers back as I got out of bed to use the restroom. I did my business and washed my hands and face, exiting the bathroom to see Harley sitting on the counter.

"We should go shopping today." She grinned at me from over her shoulder. Before I could protest that I didn't have any money, she cut me off before I could, "And don't say anything about money. I stole one of Joker's black cards so the funds aren't a problem."

I nodded my head, both of us sharing a morning cup of coffee that was induced with some more grey goose. Both of us got dressed before leaving the apartment building all together.

Our first stop was to go and get some breakfast since both of us were too lazy to cook, and we found ourselves inside the familiar sandwich shop.

"So, when are you going to make a move on Florence?" Harley asked, unwrapping the tin foil from her sandwich.

I choked a little on my food, swallowing before answering, "What are you talking about?"

"Come on! It's so brutally obvious that she likes you. The chick gives you longing glances all the time. She looks at you like you hold all the stars up."

"Is that bad?" I asked unsure.

Harley shrugged, "It's just intense is all. But maybe love should be."

"Well I don't like her the way she likes me. I just don't have the heart to tell her that." I blew out, taking another bite of my food.

Harley nodded, silence falling over us once again before a question popped up in my mind.

"Do you think you'll ever date again?"

The blonde just stared at me for a few seconds, setting her half eaten sandwich down on the tin foil while she leaned back in her chair, "Maybe. If the right person catches my eye."

"Understandable. Do you think you've found them?"

Harley had a ghost of a smirk appear on her plump lips, "You'll know if I do."

I nodded, the conversation stopping after that while we finished our food before throwing the trash away. We left the sandwich shop and began our walk downtown where a lot of the shops were.

We made it inside a clothing store, the air conditioning cooling down my heated skin as Harley instantly darted towards some glittery jackets that were on sale. She held up a purple one and then a silver one, looking between them both before throwing them in the cart I grabbed.

We shopped around, sometimes trying things on but mostly just throwing things in the cart that we wanted. The stack in the cart was becoming pretty high as Harley tossed in some other things she had found.

"We should get some face masks for later." Harley said, looking through the selection they had in the beauty and health department. Both of us picked out ones that looked interesting, each of us grabbing one of those foaming ones.

"We should have driven, there is going to be a lot of bags to carry." I chuckled and Harley got a devilish smirk on her face.

"Maybe we won't even pay for anything, steal the cart and all." Harley giggled, grabbing some random nerf guns and packs upon packs of the foam bullets.

"What's all that for?" I gestured towards the toys.

Harley shrugged, "In case we get bored and want to shoot each other."

"I'm always down for a nerf war, Quinn." I smirked, picking out a few of my own guns that looked rather cool and powerful.

When we decided we were all shopped out, Harley maneuvered the cart out of the isle but rammed into someone.

"Watch where you're going, buddy." Harley huffed and I stopped in my tracks when the familiar man looked up at me.

Seeing that oily smirk was like receiving a hard punch to the gut. My heart started beating frantically against my chest, each deep breath I took only seemed to hurt.

The memories came flooding back and I flinched back when he reached his hand up to run his fingers through his hair. Subconsciously I rubbed the spots on my wrists and neck where I could feel the iron grip of his calloused hands burn into my skin.

My breathing came out in quick pants and Harley gave me a worried look, grabbing my arm and dragging me and the cart outside. The coolness of her hands spread throughout my body when she cupped my cheeks, making me look at her.

"Follow my breathing, y/n. It's okay. You're okay. You're safe." Harley cooed, the pads of her thumbs caressing my cheeks.

I sucked in a deep breath before shakily exhaling it, taking a small step back from her, "Sorry."

"Don't apologize. Are you okay?"

I nodded, "Can we just go home now?"

Harley nodded, "Of course."

I knew she wanted to ask questions, I could tell by the way she kept sparing me small glances. My eyes lowered some as a wave of exhaustion swept out from under me. I can't believe I saw his face and I'm sure she was close too.

When we got to Harleys apartment, I helped her carry all the clothes inside since we had to leave the stolen shopping cart outside. I wasn't really ready to talk about what just happened, keeping my thoughts to myself.

Sensing this, Harley made me some tea and added some honey. She handed it to me with a soft smile, offering me some of the peanut butter m&ms she was eating. I took a few, quietly thanking her while she put in a movie for us to watch.

A blanket was tossed over me before Harley climbed in on the other side and I rested my head against her shoulder.

"I'm not ready to talk just yet." I told her hoarsely.

"I know." Harley mumbled, "And that's okay. When you are, just know I'll be there to listen."

I nodded, a small smile tugging up my lips when I felt her slowly kiss the top of my head.

"I'll always be here." She murmured quietly and my heart rate sped up once more, but in a good way this time.

Harley always seemed to know how to take my hurt away when it became too much, and I had no problem giving her my trust. It should scare me how free I seemed to be around her, but it didn't.

I knew somewhere in my heart that she would be there for me, and I kinda hoped it was for forever.

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