Chapter 6

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Though afraid of what lay wait on the other side of the door, I lifted my heavy hand to open it willing myself to go past the threshold. The sight of my worried Mother welcomes me as soon as I enter. She is by my side before I can even open my mouth to apologize, enveloping me in the warmth of her arms. I do my best not to breakdown then and there.

“Where have you been? We’ve been worried sick.”

My eyes begin to water as soon as the words leave her mouth. I wasn’t a cry baby yet I felt my resolve crumble at the figments of what had happened last night. If only I had just stayed home.

“I’m fine mom. I slept at Xander’s.”

She wipes the lone tear that slips past my eye onto my cheek.

“What happened?  Did he hurt you? You could have called. Ben would have come get you.”

“No mom. He would never.”

“Then why are you so sad Honey?”

“It’s nothing mom.”

“You know I can always tell when you lie right? Whatever it is, you can tell me.”

She holds my hand, leading me up the stairs. We settle just at the top of the stairs, my head resting on her shoulder as she gently rubs my back in comfort. I find the strength to tell her what I could remember of the night before, leaving out the details.

“My drink was spiked last night. Before you freak out, Xander found me before anything could happen. When I came to, I found myself at his house. He probably didn’t bring me here because he thought you might still be at the party.”

“I only realized now that I must have left my phone in the car because I didn't have it with me last night. I’m sorry for worrying you.” I continue.

“You have nothing to apologize for. If anything, I should be the one apologizing to you. Had I known what would happen, I would have never insisted that you go to that party. Do you know who did this to you?”

I didn't know.

“No one I recognized. I’m still trying to piece together the flashes of memory. We danced and he offered me a drink afterwards. I know I should have been more careful. I just didn’t think…” .

“Hey, don’t you dare blame yourself for what happened. None of what happened is your fault.” She says.

“He seemed nice until he wasn’t. I’m just thankful Xander was there to save me. I get sick at the thought of what would have happened if he hadn’t been there.” I add.

“Oh, my sweet innocent child. I should have prepared you better for the harsh realities of this world we live in. Some men, with poisoned hearts take without consent or regard for anyone but themselves. Their delusional minds would have them believe that they are entitled to whatever they want and that women are merely subjects of their sick fantasies and lewd desires.” Guilt washes over her features.

“You cannot blame yourself for what happened either. You did and continue to do the best you can at rising a young black woman in this world that was built to put us down. You won’t always be there to protect me, and in those times, I need you to know that I am capable of protecting myself. I may not have super powers but I’m still my mother’s daughter.”

She hugs me silently, though I can feel there is much she wants to say.

“I’m going to head to my room. I could do with some rest.”

“Before you go…We have guests here for you.”

For a moment, a feel my heart rate drop. I had dreaded this moment as soon as I saw those cars parked outside.

“For me? Who…who is it?” I wonder, though I had a sneaky suspicion who it might be.

“I think its best you go get changed and come downstairs. Everything will be clear soon enough.”

I did as instructed albeit my mind was telling me to take flight. The comfortable baggy oversized clothing I had borrowed from Xander were swapped out for a more presentable mid-length white summer dress paired with sandals. As I inspect my appearance in the mirror, I am not surprised to find that I looked how I felt. Bloodshot eyes, under-eye bags that would put Gucci to shame and disgruntled mob of hair. I threw on a pair of my reading glasses to try conceal my eyes and put my hair into a messy bun.

As I walk into the living area my eyes fall on two male figures that bare an uncanny resemblance to one another, among them are my parents. I felt an indescribable pull towards one of the unknown men. There was a familiarity in his eyes that I couldn’t quite place. Maybe we’d crossed paths before or maybe I was imagining things. What was certain was the fact that something was a bit off, and not with just me but the situation at hand.

I wondered who our guests might be as I took a seat next to my parents, directly opposite the stranger whose electric eyes had been trained on me since the moment I entered the room.

“Hey Kiddo. Your mother told me what happened. Are you sure you are alright? We could just do this some other time if you aren’t up for it.”

“I’m fine, I promise. What exactly is it that you guys called me down here for?”

I note the hesitation in their eyes as I cut straight to the point.

“Honey. This is Alpha Grey of the Lycan Blood pack and His Beta Jasper. I believe you and the Alpha met yesterday at the Ball during the mating dance”

My mother finally speaks, her hand griping firmly onto Ben’s, as he massages her back with his free hand as if trying to comfort her. The act doesn’t go unnoticed to my cautious eyes, it only serves to further fuel my unrest.

Realization struck as I was hit by another wave of flashbacks from the night before. Those eyes, the pull, it all made sense now. Though I may have wished to forget those eyes, they were etched in my mind, the sight of them disarming. In my haze I’d forgotten that I had shared an oddly intimate dance with a masked stranger who had prior made his presence known to me though we hadn’t quite been formally introduced. The force that I had felt last night seems to have intensified with him sitting across from me his eyes burning a hole through me as I did my best to avoid his gaze.

“Last night’s events are still foggy. I don’t remember much even the things I do remember are in a scramble.”

I lie, though not certain why I felt the need to do so. For a split second our eyes lock and I knew then, he could see straight through my lie.

“He is your mate.” She says simply.

“My what? Surely there must be some kind of mistake here. There were a lot of unmated she-wolfs at the party, it would be easy to get confused. Besides, I’m not …”

“I can assure you, there is no mistake. I have waited long enough to claim you as my own.”

A dry humourless laugh escapes me as I try my best to suppress the sea of sarcastic remarks at the tip of my tongue.

Claim me as his own? Who does this clown think he is?

“Its time for you to come home.”

I scoff at his words as he continues despite my interruption.

“Someone tell looney toons over there that I’m not…” The words get stuck in my throat as my eyes land on him.

“That’s enough.” He booms, his powerful voice echoing through the walls. Everyone in the room tenses up as the atmosphere shifts.

Well shit.

ALPHA GREY (Re-written)Where stories live. Discover now