The Reunion

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Summary: Draco and Hermione attend a ten year Hogwarts reunion after both creating very public lives. However, it's a bit of a shock to everyone when it turns out the two are more connected than whatever rubbish Rita Skeeter likes to print.

"—gone until Monday morning,"  Hermione said into her mobile just as Draco apparated into the entryway.  She jumped and gave him a small scowl, ignoring Patty's continuous scolding on the other end of the phone.

"Hello, love,"  he whispered, pressing a short kiss to her lips before slipping past and going further into the Manor.

Patty was in the middle of reminding Hermione what she would have waiting for her should she take Sunday off, but Hermione was rather tired of hearing the lady's voice and tried to be as polite as she could when cutting her off.

"Your office will be the first place I stop by,"  Hermione promised.  Patty inhaled sharply, but Hermione continued before she could say anything.  "Please let the Prime Minister know I will be in at precisely nine o'clock in the morning to discuss the arrangements necessary."

"Now, I can't promise that—"

"Thank you, Patty,"  Hermione said.  Patty sighed and Hermione could just imagine the small smile the older woman was sure to be struggling against.

"Of course, dear,"  Patty replied,  "Enjoy your reunion."

With that, Hermione hung up her mobile and went to find where Draco had disappeared to.  It really was a nuisance when the only place in the Manor that got quality cell service was the entryway, but sometimes it was a handy excuse.  Having Draco apparate only a metre away from her, however, was not handy in the slightest and something she regularly scolded him for.  At least now Patty was used to the sound over the phone.

Draco was, as she'd expected, rummaging around in the kitchen.  It hadn't taken long to find him and she was not surprised to see him with half of a chocolate chip cookie in his mouth as he summoned the cookie jar from the top shelf.

"You're not very sneaky,"  she said, effectively startling him and watching the cookie jar crash to the ground.  Draco scowled at her and repaired the jar, taking one cookie in defiance before throwing the rest away.

"I wasn't trying to be sneaky,"  he told her, finishing his first cookie and starting on his floor cookie.  "I was trying to enjoy some cookies."

"That I purposely hid."

Draco shrugged and Hermione rolled her eyes.  The cookies were leftover from a night of insomnia earlier that week so Hermione didn't particularly care if Draco made them disappear.  In fact, the quicker he ate them, the better.  Part of the reason she'd hid them was so she wouldn't have to remember why she'd been so awake to make them in the first place.

"How's Patty, by the way?"  Draco asked, snaking his arm around her waist when she moved to hide the cookie jar again.  She sent the jar floating up to its usual hiding place and leaned against Draco.

"As wonderful as ever,"  Hermione replied.  Draco grinned and quickly kissed her forehead before letting her go.  "She's not happy about me taking the entire weekend off—"

"You deserve the break."

"—but I think she'll come around,"  Hermione finished.  Draco pulled out some leftover food from the previous night and offered her a plate.  She nodded and watched him split the little that remained before handing her one plate and sending a fork floating her way.

"You know, I think she'd like Hogwarts,"  Draco mused.  Hermione snorted, covering her face as she did so and Draco grinned.  Before he took a bite of food, he said,  "She'd especially love Peeves."

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