Chapter 5

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The same secretary who brought Jungkook to Mr. Kim's office was in charge of taking him to Taehyung's room to meet him.

Jungkook hoped that he was not a brat and an easy going person so that it will be easier to do the actual job he is here for. Getting lost in his thoughts, he wondered that if it was a girl, he would just have fucked her and she would have been happy. But now he was stuck with a boy, who would either be a nosy, good-at-all or a playboy who wouldn't listen to a shit he says.

Jungkook came back to reality with a jerk when he had reached the room. It wasn't that far away from Mr. Kim's office. Actually, it was on the opposite end of the hall. From outside, it didn't look that fancy. Just an ordinary mahogany door with a golden coloured door knob stood there, just out of touch.

The secretary had already long gone and left Jungkook in front of his destined place. Without knocking, Jungkook opened the door and saw a boy...

...crying on his bed while eating from a tub of icecream?

Whatever Jungkook had imagined, it wasn't this. He halted right in his steps while he looked at the young boy in a gray hoody sniffling softly. His silver hair were ruffled and he was looking down so his face couldn't be seen. Taehyung hadn't noticed that someone else was in his room and he continued with whatever he was doing in his own personal space.

After a few seconds, when Jungkook was just thinking to leave, Taehyung let out a loud wail and said, "Why the hell did those two leave each other?"

And at that moment, Jungkook just wanted to hit his head on a fucking pillar because he was stuck with a boy who watched Korean dramas and cried over the separation of some damn characters.

Jungkook snorted at this and shook his head. This caused Taehyung to slowly look towards him and he screamed in surprise.

"YAH! Who the hell are you?"

"I am a call girl at your service, sir. Come and fuck me." Jungkook answered with a flirty smile, and then continued with a poker face, "Can't you see who I am?"

"Oh, shutup. If you were a call girl, then you would have been a very ugly one. And I meant that what is your purpose of coming here." Taehyung retorted back with an equally annoying tone.

"I am your new trainer and your dear father sent me so that I could do the honours of meeting you." A very obvious fake smile appeared on Jungkook's face.

"Why do I have a feeling that the word "dear" is dipped in venom and sarcasm, despite it's actual meaning?" Taehyung looked at the other with narrowed, suspicious eyes.

"No no, it must be your imagination." Jungkook said while rolling his eyes.

Taehyung continued to look towards Jungkook with a "I still don't trust you" gaze and, for the first time since he entered the room, checked him from head to toe. To him, Jungkook appeared as an intimidating person who gave harsh, “danger” vibes from his hair to the very sense of his dressing.

On the other hand, even though Jungkook was doing the very same, his first impression was quite different. Taehyung appeared to be a very soft lad to him, but it could be seen that he wouldn't hesitate to sass back if someone tried to be sarcastic and rude with him. Jungkook smirked, knowing that Taehyung was the perfect kind of boy he could easily torture and bully.

"What's your name, by the way?" Taehyung asked to fill in the slight tension between them.

"Jeon Jungkook. You can call me Jungkook like your father does."

"Nice name." Taehyung complimented him nonchalantly. "Mine is Kim Taehyung. You can call me Taehyung or Tae."

"Taehyung would be better. Tae is so fucking cheesy. How can you ever let anyone call you that?" Jungkook asked him, disgustingly.

"If you don't stop making fun of my nickname, I swear to God that I will start calling you Kookie."

The expression on Jungkook's face was similar to a topper's who had just failed all of his exams.

"You won't call me that if you don't wanna die a painful death." He warned with malice in his eyes.

"Watch me." Taehyung answered back and gave Jungkook a middle finger.

"Ha! For your information, I can easily break your neck before you can utter that disgusting word and I can shoot you from a very-"

"Show off."

Jungkook's face turned into a very angry one while his ears became red. Not wanting to shout at the son of his hirer and loose the job in not even an hour, he tried for a smile and said, "Fuck you. I really don't give a damn about what you will call me or what you think about me. I am just a trainer to you and it would be better if you treated me like one. There are some conditions to be training with me but I will surely tell you in our first meeting which is on Monday."

When Taehyung didn't answer, he went on, "Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go and find my own room. It has been a busy day for me."

Without even waiting for the latter's answer, Jungkook came out of the room and shut the door with a sharp snap.

He stood there for a while, massaging his forehead, but decided to leave when he heard a voice say from the other side of the door, "Such a dick."

Taehyung looks like this in this fanfiction ^^

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Taehyung looks like this in this fanfiction ^^. DNA era Taehyung is really superior and DNA was the first song of BTS that I listened to so yeah lol.

Anyways, a new protagonist/main character is introduced in this chapter. I hope you all like this fanfiction-version of Taehyung :).

If you liked the chapter, then please don't forget to vote. One vote literally makes my day and if you are comfortable, then feel free to leave your opinion about this chapter in the comments. Have a great day/night 💜


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