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You're laying in your bed, gazing up at the vines and leaves covering your bed poles and ceiling above you. The small lit candles that are always burning among the greenery that never catch fire are slowly flickering. You always loved how your room looked but that was by far the most impressive. It was little things like that, that made you love Devildom. The twisting maze of streets lined with stores and cafes and marketplaces. The beautiful architecture of all the buildings, so unique, so unlike the human world.

You move under your plush blankets, it tends to be slightly chilly all the time in Devildom, no one else seems to be bothered by it but you though. You sum it up to you just being human in a demon world and just layer up when you get too cold. As you plug up your phone and snuggle up under the covers you hear a small knock on the door.
"Come in." You call out, the door gently opens and Mammon walks in, looking at his phone, "you're later than usual." You say softly.
"I got caught up at Majolish, the photoshoot was a lot longer than I intended." He kicks off his shoes and walks over to his pile of clothes he's built up in your room. You don't mind it, you tend to keep your room fairly clean and organized but his clothes laying there just became normal.
"Why doesn't Asmo ever go model? Isn't that his "thing"; beauty?" You turn over to face Mammon, you watch him take his shirt off, showing off the faint white lines over his body.
"He would never let another person tell him how to dress and look, might start a war." He snickers a little towards the end of his sentence. You drift your gaze away from him as he changes his pants. He plugs up his phone and walks over to your bed, you inch back to your side of the bed. He makes himself at home, your bed is big enough for three or so people, so him laying down doesn't invade your space nor do you really care if he is in your space.

He smells like cologne and hairspray. He presses his cold toes against yours and you laugh in shock. He is so subdued around you. He's not high strung or trying to prove a point when he talks to you. He's actually very laid back when it comes down to it. He doesn't have to prove anything to you, you know who he is and you accept him and all his not-so-bright decisions. If only he was more respectful and nicer towards humans. He likes you so much but he always points out your weaknesses and your species' faults.
"So what did you do on your day off?" He asks as he tucks his arm up under the pillow under his head, using his other hand to push his styled hair out of his face.
"Well after breakfast I sat in the planetarium and read for awhile, did some homework.."
"Homework on a day off? Awful." He scoffs, "you humans are so focused on work, never play!"
There he goes with the human thing again, you dismiss it, "I'm actually passing my classes, Mammon, maybe you should turn some work in? Y'know, Satan is worried about you failing..." you say in a little sing song voice, teasing him. His cheeks redden a little, and looks away, turning to lay on his back.
"They're always so 'worried' about me but never listen to me! I'm their older brother for fuck sake!" He shakes his fist in the air and you can't help but to let out a small laugh. He drops his arm to look over at you, "I mean it's true. I'm THE Mammon!" He suddenly sits up, causing the bed to shake, the leaves to hush and the candles to flicker faster, you almost fear that they might fall, you sit up too.
"The Avatar of Greed!" You add in. This sends a flame of energy through him, his eyes light up.
"Yes! I deserve the upmost respect! I'm their brother." He repeats. He always brings up the brother part, as if it means more to him that he's kin to them not that he's an avatar of a sin.
"I'm sure they love you as much as you love them." You soften your once excited tone, get him too worked up and Lucifer will soon be knocking. Mammon doesn't say a thing but his red cheeks and ears are enough, he lays back down, his back to you.
"goodnight." He settles down on his side of the bed and you follow suit.

That night you dream of your home life, your bedroom, your classes, your friends, your family back home. Your heart aches for the familiarity of it all but you have an odd feeling of dread going back...your eyes open, another day is about to start, Mammon is already gone.

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