satan's helping hand

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That evening you've cornered yourself off in the planetarium, you're afraid to go out in the evening alone anymore since the attack. This part of the house is as close to the outside that you can get without any of the danger. Earlier you read on your email that finals are set two weeks from now and you should probably be studying yet, that argument with Mammon has sent your mind in a spiral of emotions.

I shouldn't have been so mean.

I should've taken his feelings in consideration more.

Lucifer only wants to protect his brothers but he didn't have to be so intense.

maybe I should find Solomon myself, I may see him at school tomorrow. Everyone will be around though.

"Ahhh, y/n, you're still up?" you hear Satan's voice from the doorway.

"Oh, hello, Satan. Yeah, I guess I've lost track of time." you smile at him. He offers a smile back; they always seem so sinister.

"May I sit with you?" he walks up to the soft, plush couch you've been curled up on for hours.

"Of course." you nod. He sits down on the opposite side, looking up at the dome ceiling, glancing over the starry sky and the plants that climb the walls.

"Y'know the sky here is fake?" he hums, leaning back, his hands clasped on his stomach.

"I didn't actually, I never really thought about it before." you look up as well, it all looks so real.

"Yeah, Diavolo did some kind of crazy powerful magic to recreate Earth's sky, he's very fond of it, he thinks it's Earth most redeeming quality. You can even see human constellations." it falls silent, out of everyone here you've spent the least amount of time with Satan, it's kind of odd that he's come up to talk to you like this. You embrace it though. You were just beating yourself up for being so rude to Mammon might as well start somewhere to be more kind. "I'm just going to flat out say it." he sighs, you look over at him, nervous, "I know what's going on, Mammon has not cared this much about anything since he's figured out the power of money. He's not acting like himself and you're the common denominator. You're with him, aren't you?" you're flustered, your face feels warm, you don't know what to think.


"Please, don't beat around the bush and lie." he turns towards you.

"Yes..." you look down at your legs that are bunched up next to you, your heart is pounding. Why is it so weird to confess this to him? "We tried so hard to stay apart in the beginning but no matter what we did, we just gravitated back to one another," you shake your head, "he's been gone all day and I can still smell him, taste him in my mouth." you look over at Satan and his cheeks are red, "NO! Not that, Satan! No!" you yell and laugh a little, "he smells like sweet fruit, and my mouth always tastes like berries since we've admitted feelings to one another. He says he doesn't know where the taste is coming from...but, -"

"A taste?" he cuts you off, "sweet berry taste? Wait...Mammon smells like fruit?" his face looks so puzzled, you can practically see the gears moving in his head, "there's nothing with the infatuation effect he has on you that involves taste, Mammon is right there, for once. That's why he was asking me all those questions a few days ago...a taste..." he's mumbling, you can barely catch on to what he's saying, "Can you explain how this taste affects you?"

"Well, basically, all I taste is that berry taste in my mouth, nothing else. Ever." you keep staring at him, he lays back once more against the back of the couch and tilts his head up to the sky, his eyes scanning the ceiling.

"By all accounts, this doesn't make since." he finally announces after a while.

"So, you didn't know about this until now? I thought you did..." you admit to him.

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