sunflower yellow

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The last day of the festival comes quickly, you spent the last two days riding every ride, trying any new food you found, looking at every stall you could with whatever little time you had. Asmo brought a disposable camera and took photos of everything, he plans on taking even more today. You put on the light blue top that Asmo bought you a few weeks back, it shows off your shoulders and collarbones, it's supposed to be the warmest night so, why not? You grab a jacket just in case and meet everyone at the front door.

"Ready!" you shout in a cheery tone, everyone is already waiting, you see them all smile at you, this warm feeling spreads throughout you like a fire. You wish you could take a photo of this! At this moment you truly know that you love all of them so much and you are so grateful to be able to do this year long exchange program. You'll miss them dearly when it's time to go home.

"Oh! That's the top I got for you!" Asmo announces, "you look amazing! I knew you would look so beautiful in it! I had to get it." you feel a little flustered from the rush of compliments from him.

"Thank you, Asmo for buying it." you smile, he takes a photo of you.

"Let's hurry!!" Mammon rushes everyone out the door, is it just you wanting a reaction out of him or is his face a little red? You walk with Mammon in the back of the group, still haunted by that sweet smell, almost anything else is drowned out by it still, "We have to get a good spot on the field to watch the show! Beel make sure you lay out the blankets in a good spot! Not too high up on the hill!" Mammon quickly shouts, Beel nods in agreement.

"Hill?" you ask.

"Yeah! It's on the outer fields from the festival, everyone lays out blankets or tarps to sit and watch the firework display." he explains.

"A little way up the hill so you're at a good angle and you don't have to strain your head up to see the sky." Satan adds in.

"Makes sense." you nod. You all make it to the festival grounds and there's music playing loudly, people talking, laughing and screaming. Everyone takes off in different directions leaving you alone with Lucifer.

"How is the stay so far, y/n?" he looks over at you with a smile.

"I love it, this place is wonderful!" you answer truthfully, you do love this place, you wish you could stay longer.

"That's good to hear. Lord Diavolo will love to know that as well." you two walk to the stalls and look at some more things. He offers to buy you a few things but you politely decline, not wanting him to spend any money on you. He still buys you a few things that keep catching your eye, "you won't be here forever, y/n, a few souvenirs will help you remember your stay."

"I won't ever forget this place," you tell him, "speaking of, after this," you hold the new purse he bought you in your hands, "will I ever be able to come back? To visit?"

"Well, we could most definitely arrange that." he nods.

"Or maybe extend my stay?" you look up at him, hopeful.

"That I'm not too sure about, that requires a lot of conversation and paperwork that Lord Diavolo may or may not have time for but you are always welcome to a visit."

to a visit, it's weird to think that only in a few months I'll be back in the human world; as if this never happened

You find yourself at a stand filled with glowing orbs of light in every color you could possibly imagine as dusk hits, the sun is starting to set slowly, you should make your way to the back field to meet up with everyone else. You lost Lucifer in a crowd about a half hour ago but you feel comfortable here In this happy place.

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