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You find yourself walking to that field a lot recently and every time you do, luckily, its empty. You sit on that bench, looking out on the thorns and those little bugs that call this place home. Things have been back to normal as Mammon said they would be, he's acting as if nothing happened and so are you. Yet, he doesn't come around as much, he walks you to class, he makes small talk with you in whatever classes you'll share. The nights you two would share in your room or out to eat or roaming the house were in the past. He doesn't even text you as much as he used to.

He's distancing himself from you for your safety and you hate it. You want to be with him like you were. You want his pile of clothes in your room again, you want his midnight texts about meaningless nonsense. You want him back, even if it's just as a friend. You check your phone and it's getting late. You've been staying out of the House of Lamentation more and more lately, roaming the city or studying at the cafe. No one has questioned you about it though so for now, this escape from everything can stay.

A few more minutes here won't hurt, the little bugs start coming out more and more until you're able to see the faint glow of their bodies starting to reflect off of yours. Lost in thought about many different things; ranging from your studies, to your hometown compared to here to what you think you'll be having for breakfast the next morning, you forget to keep track of time. You check your phone and it's ten o'clock!
You spring up off of the bench and grab your backpack, slinging it over your shoulder then, sliding your arm through the other strap. You rush down the stairs and onto the the still busy roads of demons.
Picking up a quick pace towards your current place you call home, you catch looks from passing demons.
You catch scents of food and alcohol as you rush pass restaurants and bars. Different music is playing all around you in a symphony of clashing tunes. All of it is very disorienting and you start to lose your speed after walking about five minutes. You've never been one to work out or keep yourself in the most athletic shape. You keep pushing forward though, hoping Lucifer isn't waiting at the front door for you. You check your phone again and you haven't had any messages or calls so maybe they haven't noticed?
That's good. Last thing you need is Lucifer giving you a three hour lecture on being in bed on time and being more aware of your surroundings.
Another fifteen minutes of walking you make it to the front gates of the house.
One problem though.
The gates are closed and locked.

You try to think of another way in or a secret passage way that might exist in hopes of not having to wake everyone up. You check your phone again, no calls or texts. It's so unlike everyone to not be checking in on you, it almost starts to hurt your feelings. You try not to overthink, everyone has different lives and it's okay if someone doesn't talk to you for a day...
but everyone?
Did Mammon tell everyone what happened and-No, he wouldn't, this is exactly the opposite of what he'd do. You need to calm down and not overthink. Focus on how to get in. You walk the perimeter of the gate a bit before realizing it blocks off the sides of the house as well. You walk back to the entrance and check your phone once more just in case.
Only a notification that your phone has about 10% left of a charge.
"Shit." You mumble. You have to call someone. Who?
Whose bedroom closest to the entrance of the house?
You try to mentally map out the house and...it's...
Mammon. You call.
"Please pick up. Please, please." You chant to yourself.
Nothing. You call again.
"...hello?" A mumbled greeting comes through the phone.
"Mammon!" You shout in excitement.
"Yeah yeah? Why are you yelling?"
"Can you come let me in?" You beg.
"What? Let you in?" He pauses, "it's ten thirty, where are you? Outside my door?" You hear shuffling of the sheets.
"I'm outside."
"My door?"
"The house."
"Huh?" He yawns. And it gets quiet, too quiet, you check your phone to see if you're still on the line.
Your phone is dead.
"No!!" You yell trying to force it back on. The little devil face for the start up screen appears but it shuts back off each time. You hope that Mammon heard and understood what you said and you wait. You hold onto the gate's bars and stare impatiently at the front door that's way up on a flight of stairs. Five minutes pass, nothing.
You hear some shuffling from a patch bushes down the sidewalk. You snap your head over to the right and look down the street that's dimly lit with street lamps. You suddenly feel very exposed, your whole body feels a unsettling sensation of fear. You press yourself closer to the bars in hopes it can protect you in a way. You see a dark mass tumble out of the bushes and onto the sidewalk. It's far enough away for you not being able to make out what you're looking at. It's body shifts and turns and tumbles around on the ground for a while. You're too afraid to take your eyes off of the mass to check to see if Mammon is on his way yet, it slows down it's movements before slowly turning one part of its body around and around.
Until it sees you. It's eyes small, like a slit barely across its face yet it glows yellow, it beams wildly against it's almost incomprehensible figure to make out in the dark. It inches closer, you hear a rumble. You look at the front door, it's still closed.
"Oh god oh god oh god" you think, your heart is in your chest, your blood feels like it's drained from your body. "It's going to kill me." You should've been home on time! You should've been more responsible about your surroundings! It pulls itself on the ground closer and closer to you. You feel tears start to rush down your cheeks, they feel hot. You blink and blink to keep the blurring of your eyesight away.
"No..." you look back to the house. The door is open!! You see Mammon!! He sees you!! He walks down the stairs lazily. "M-MAMMON!" You scream. He hears the sudden fear in your voice and takes off towards you. You look back at the mass that was crawling to you just to meet it eye to eye. It's yellow eyes now large and glowing so bright you can't help but to squint. It smells awful, like copper and sulfur. It's nauseating. It grabs your right arm, you scream and try to pull away and it's claws only dig in deeper. The gates fly open away from you and the figure was slammed to the ground. You try to get a look at what's happening but your eyes can't keep up.
It looks like a black wind is swirling on the ground and then suddenly up in the air just to be slammed down again. Until it dispersed leaving Mammon alone in the street, a few bruises on him but no scratches or blood. His wings flap a few times, rushing bursts of air towards you. After a few moments of him standing ready in the street, he looks back at you. And runs up to you.
"What's going on? Are you okay? Oh god, I mean, devil, you're bleeding." He says in a panicked, rushed voice. You look down at the arm the demon grabbed and you see a few prick marks from where the claws dug in for a few seconds before Mammon saved you.
"Can we go inside?" You ask, he nods, going back into his usual form, he walks you inside and back to your room.

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