the road to the escape

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The next morning at breakfast, your new diet begins. It's food you've eaten before in Devildom but you're not entirely sure what food is good for what for your recovery. The food here looks somewhat similar to the food back home but not everything was as it seemed. Something that looks like an apple back home was actually a dessert that had a consistency of a marshmallow. You trust Beel's choices in food, after all he is the avatar of gluttony. The food this morning was a little bland but otherwise good enough to scarf down. After breakfast the boys head off to school while you make way back to your bedroom.

The exercises Beel left you are simple enough but you're wore out after just a few crunches and pushups. You lay on the floor staring up at the ceiling, letting your eyes gaze across the maze of vines now covering more than half your ceiling. You haven't really paid much attention to those vines recently you can't believe how much they've grown. You close your eyes, imagining the day you first arrived here, the confusion, the fear and eventually the acceptance. Running through your memories eventually led you back to your situation now. You can almost see Mammon in your mind, the details of his features, the sound of his voice, the smell of berries on his skin. You sit up, rubbing your eyes, you open your eyes once more, staring at your bed sheets that are messily laying half way off your bed. You see something poking out from between your mattress and box-spring. You scoot closer to your bed. It's a corner piece of an envelope. You usually have your bed made; the blankets usually cover this part of the bed. You pinch on to the corner of the envelope and pull it out from your bed.

How come you've never seen this before? Was it shoved far enough underneath the mattress that changing the fitted sheet on the bed, you couldn't have noticed? You turn the envelope over to the front to see Mammon's sloppy hand writing.

"Y/n if you find this, don't tell Lucifer!!"

You open the envelope; did he leave this before he ran off? You hope it's some sort of clue to where he is or maybe a letter directed to you. You reach into the thin envelope and pull out a torn off notebook paper, no more than two inches long, it's folded in half. Your heart feels as if it's going to jump out of your chest. You lay the envelope on the ground next to you and unfold the piece of paper. You scan over his awful handwriting. You let out a laugh, you can't help but to laugh harder and harder until your laughs turn to cries. You feel tears stream down your face. You wipe the tears from your cheeks and shake your head.

"That idiot." you say to yourself. Only Mammon would keep all his brothers' credit card information written down on a tiny slip of paper under your mattress. It's such a Mammon thing to do and it only makes you miss him even more. You hold that piece of paper to your chest for a moment. It's a small piece of him that they didn't take from your room. If only Barbatos would let you walk around freely or if you could stay here by yourself during the day, you would sneak off to Mammon's room. There would have to be some sort of clue to where he went in there.

Satan said he was going to find him and you hope he does. You wish you could help Satan more but he says he needs you to focus on getting better and if that's helping, then, you'll do it. You place the paper back in the envelope and back under your mattress. Next on your list of workout routines is.... you look over the paper laying on your bed, pushups to planks. You sigh, you hate those.

You already feel insanely sore after your first small workout this morning but, when Beel arrives home from school, he's ready to make you work out even more.

"Just walk around the house with me, you need to be on your feet more." he holds his hand out to you. You take it.

"You promise we're just walking?" you ask him, standing up, sliding on your slippers.

"Promise." he nods, "we have to go to the kitchen first, I need a snack."

By the end of your first day on your road of recovery, you're exhausted, you fall into bed and almost immediately fall asleep. The next three days are the same. Same meals, same workouts and same exhaustion. On the morning of the fourth day you wake up feeling the most refreshed and energized than you have since before your attack. You get out of bed, fix the sheets, pick up your room and head off to the bathroom for your morning routine. You almost feel normal. You shower and as you're drying your hair you get a text from Satan.

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