the deal with solomon

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While Mammon was trying to dig for information you didn't really notice something was up a first. You thought he was just changing in his room before coming over each night. It wasn't until the last two nights you thought something was up when he came over wearing his school uniform still, even though school had ended four or so hours before. You chalked it up to him maybe modeling for Majolish for a school themed shoot or magazine. Until he came home with your favorite drink from your favorite cafe and swearing to you, your safety with him. You couldn't sleep that night, you kept tossing and turning, looking over at him in worry.

why did he have the need to tell me that? Why out of the blue? There's something more to it, there's no way there's not. you think to yourself. Maybe that's why Satan has been giving you a weird look every so often or Lucifer's quizzical stare during meals. What do they know that you don't? The sun soon begins to rise and you can't stand to be laying in your bed anymore, you slowly and gently climb over Mammon before doing your morning routine and leave the room. Thankfully it's a weekend and you don't have to worry about your lack of sleep. You smell breakfast from down the hall yet, it is too early for food to be ready but you know there has to be coffee sitting at the breakfast table. You can hear the clanking of pots and pans, the sizzle of the food on the stove as you pass the kitchen.

Once you walk into the dining hall you see Lucifer sitting at the head of the table reading a book, drinking his own coffee.

"Good morning, y/n." he smiles.

"Good morning." you nod and smile back, you take your usual seat that's a few chairs down from his, you reach for the freshly brewed pot of coffee on the center of the table to pour into your mug. The coffee smells light and nutty. You bring your mug up to your nose to smell the welcoming scent but it's also met with a berry "after-scent" if you had to give it a name. You blow on the coffee for a moment before drinking some, you wish you could taste the coffee flavor. Only berries cover your taste buds.

"You usually put cream and sugar in your coffee, looking for a change?" Lucifer asks, he closes his book, setting it on the table.

"What? Oh." you look at your coffee, you do put cream and sugar in your coffee, I guess today you got a little caught up in the scent to even care about the taste of the drink when you wouldn't be able to taste it anyways. It falls silent for a few moments.

"My brothers and I do all enjoy you being here, y/n. You only have about a month left here, time really does fly." he sighs, drinking some of his coffee, "I hope you've enjoyed your stay here as well." he's right, you didn't even think about it. You do only have a month and a few days left here.

"I've had a great time." you tell him.

"I know we've all grown close to you, and some more than others." he adjusts the bookmark in his book, you look at the dark blue book sitting on the table.

Enticement of a Demon

oh shit

"I see you finally noticed and with your reaction, it seems I'm right." he calmly states, "you and Mammon is a dangerous thing, y/n." he sets down his mug, he looks you in the eyes and you can't seem to pull yourself away from the gaze, "yes, we were all once angels, disciples of God but we fell from that grace. We turned our backs on God and fell. Yes, we are trying to reconnect the three realms once more. But you need to understand. We are demons. Mammon is a demon. He is the physical form of greed itself." his voice is stern, you feel as if the room is disappearing around you, all you can see is Lucifer, "Demons were made to attract humans towards sin, we give them the sinful indulgence they crave, whether you see Mammon The Avatar of Greed as his human form or his demon form. He is nothing but a lure for humans to give him power. He himself is attracted to things he craves like money, he can't get enough of it, he wants every penny he sees, he'll do anything to have it. Just like how I will do anything for pride, anything to keep my brothers names clean and alive. Leviathan, envious of your close relationship with Mammon and Asmodeus's desire to be desired by you." you finally get to blink and once you do you, Lucifer is behind you, his hands on your shoulders, his demon form is out, its apparent by the claws tapping on your collarbones, "We are friendly and we have sworn to protect you while you stay here but consider yourself informed and warned. A demon is a demon no matter what light you put them in."

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