Chapter 9: "The Answers"

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Such a terrible feeling it is accompanied by a sight of unknown creatures that seems to float within this massive body of ocean up above and as moments passed me by I am already within it...
I look down and all I see is a reflection of me, I am within this ocean.. I am trapped and the more stranger it gets as I come to realize that I am suppose to see the skies but it seems that the concept of skies in this world is equal to the concept of the deep. I hear all around me sounds of horror that had never been heard of, its like a shriek and a laughter mixed and projected into thousands of devilish growls that came from all sides and to describe it any further I am unable.. I wanted to close my eyes but I somehow cannot... I wanted to feel my heart beat but there is nothing.. Not a single beat in my chest. I wanted to feel alive and grasped for breath, I wanted to struggle for breath but now I no longer seem to breathe.. I do not know what has happened.. 

My mind tries to recall.. Tracing back fragments... Connecting the remnants of my memory but all it did was conducting an unending attempt to make sense of everything..

I am slowly floating as everything around me continues to be constant living threats.. all I can sense are these large creatures circling around me like sharks.. Perhaps I am their prey and this is all there is to it.. I might get torn to shreds but who cares? Given the situation that I am in I would rather die because there is no escaping here.. For all I know if I die here I just might wake up and find myself here again or back at those cursed gardens of crimson...

The only thing I can do as I float slowly upwards..

The only thing I can do is think and keep recalling...

I went rogue trying to find answers back when the real world still held me in its arms... I went rogue that I forgot the limits of my mind, the limits of being human.. I even forgot the things I stood for.. 

I was tracking an unseen group of people.. or rather I was tracking something entirely different and not human at all..

There was not anything to give the leads or what, no substantial clues, no  substantial evidence... Nothing except for those symbols and markings.. Even the bodies... Some say suicide but as it was shown to us.. The strange symbols on their bodies were made after they died..

Its very unclear.. Its all very unclear..

And so as I was given a chance to rest and take a break.. I started my investigation deeper into the case..

I tried to consult my partner and ask about what to make out of everything and he said "Detective, its all taking too much" he kept telling me that I am going nowhere with my solo investigation.. He also told me.. "What would your wife want you to do?"

In that very moment it seemed to wake me up a little

After all this time... Why..  I should be doing this for my wife! It should be for her!

Why was I stuck trying to find answers for a woman that...

A woman that...

"THE WOMAN YOU'RE LOOKING FOR DOES NOT EXIST! All this years I have known you and this neighborhood, throughout your whole damn life there was no woman with hazel eyes, wake the fuck up!" My partner continued with a righteous anger that even I felt deep within my heart "Look, just stop it alright?! I've been your acting older brother ever since we were young, I've been with you all your life most especially throughout the war.. We have survived hell, so get your shit together! This case is already lost and to try to seek the answers will only break you down! Damn it!"

My partner was right..

But I was too consumed.. I was too consumed.

I tried finding the answers still..

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