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The sea. Back on another boat. "Before we get to Egypt, there's someone who could be of value to us." Gramps spoke holding his hat from the breeze. You all looked at the up coming island. You think back to home.
'I wonder what moms doing? Does she miss me??' You began to think if a search party was going for you, maybe not. You were 17 almost 18... Technically your already an adult so either way it wouldn't have mattered, she also did kick you out. Your eyes felt watery, as much as you knew... Before this whole 'save holly kill dio!' Thing.. You were excited to graduate and be free... But would it still be the same.. Missing ma and pa? But if that were the case id have to option to go back.' You looked over the ocean that seemed to thin out coming closer to the tiny islands bank.

"Land ho!" Gramps yelled. You snapped out of your thoughts when everyone was getting off. "Doesn't this island seem a bit small?" Polnareff asked, "for one person i think its good." Kakyoin added, gramps nodding. Some russling came from the bushes. "Hey. Who's there?" Jotaro asked to the bushes. Suddenly someone began running off. He... "avdol." you nodded hearing that. Everyone began chasing him.
Coming upon a small house with a cute small fence and gate you all stopped. "Go away! Every time i grt visitors its always bad news!" The man yelled turning around you all gasped. He then went inside his house.

"Thats avdols father. I came to tell him the news." Gramps spoke, you glanced to polnareff who looked down, face shaded. "Dont blame yourself polnareff. it wasn't your fault." Gramps stated trying to cheer him Up. Polnareff walked off some where. "Polnareff-" you coughed. "Let him have some time to himself. now if you excuse me i smell chai." You opened the gate following avdol in, the rest following.


You finished your 10th cup of Watermelon chai tea, it was dark out. "Should we search for him?" Kakyoin asked, everyone nodded and got up and out.
You knew polnareff was fine a day after the incident, along with Kakyoin.
Standing on the beach, "hey! Guys you woudlnt believe who i ran into!" Polnareff came towards the group all bloody. Yikes. "Dont be shocked but!" He did a drum affect, advol appearing out of the bushes. You all smiled, already knowing. "I think your out of chai by the way." You mumbled, "has it really been a week or so?" Jotaro asked, polnareff gasped. "WHY ARE YOU ALL ACTING SO WILLY NILLY?! AREN'T YOU GLAD TO SEE YOUR DEAD FRIEND ALIVE?!" he yelled, "oh we knew he was fine. me and jotaro healed his wounds when we found him and i may have lied about his burial." Gramps said with a sheepish tone, scratching his head. "WHATTTT!? WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!?" he yelled. "Because it Was for his safety. you kinda have a big mouth... But we just wanted to keep it more underwraps. And i didnt know until the day after." Kakyoin stated. Polnareff looked at you. "I found out when Kakyoin found out." You stated, he groaned, a sad look on his face. "And there she blows!" Gramps pointed outwards, a huge submarine poping up. You all gasped. "If anything makes you feel better polnareff. I am alive and we'll!" Avdol did his cliche smile. Polnareff nodded. "Yeah your right!"


"Woah! The submarine is nice!" Everyone awed. you saw Kakyoin bust open the fridge, showing bottles of cola. "Kakyoin, toss me a bottle." You smirked, "sure. There's cups for coffee too." He added. "I'd like some coffee." Polnareff flopped onto the chair, "same." "Yeah." Gramps and jotaro nodded. "I'd like some too." Avdol said from the control area. You caught the bottle. "dont you need a bottle opener?" Polnareff asked, you smirked. "Heh. watch." You gripped the bottle cap, and twisted it between your fingers, popping it off and onto the table. "Woah!!"  Polnareff awed, Kakyoin and jotaro were even surprised. "I knew a person who could do that." gramps smiled at you. You chuckled taking a large swig.... A swig that turned into chugging. "Jesus-" polnareff watched as you put the now empty glass bottle down. "I feel my caffeine crave go away~" you saw Kakyoin put down the drinks. "wait why did you get 6 cups?" Gramps asked, "y/n said she didnt want any." Polnareff pointed out. "I dont know, i swear there was only 5 cups.-" when gramps went to pick up the cup, it turned into a gold machete, cutting his metal hand. "OH MY GOD!" "Old man!" "Mr joestar!" Everyone got on their guard. "The stand user is most likely near on land!" You stated. Everyone tried their stands. It barely affected it. "High priestess. Her name is rose if I'm correct. Her stand can turn into anything that has minerals in it. Like plastic or metals even glass." Avdol informed. The phone rang again. Gramps had called mrs joestar eariler. "THE PHONE-" polnareff flipped. "Ignore it!" You stated, "which one do you think it is Kakyoin?" Jotaro asked looking at the many gages. As Kakyoin pointed to one, jotaro was about to punch it. "KAKYOIN BEHIND YOU!" The old man Yelled. The light behind Kakyoin morphed into the weird mask stand. "let's move to another room!" Avdol ran to the door, grabbing the wheel to open it, but it transformed into the high priestess, before it sliced at jotaro, he grabbed it. "Not as quick as my star platinum." He smirked. "Caref-" jotaro then dropped a razor blade, having cuts all over his hand. "Fuck- let's get going." He stated, seeing as the stand was anywhere. Opening the door we all ran into another room. "Only way is to scuba dive." you stated. "That is true, lets get on it then. She could be following us as we speak." Gramps opened another door, seeing all the gear, you grab one. "Do any of you know how to scuba dive?" Gramps asked, you nodded. "Good. Now for the rest of you.-" you geared up. Your dad took your family on a hawaiian vacation once, and you learned alot that year and to never go to a vacation after.

Water started filling the room. gramps looked at everyone with a okay hand sign. you felt something shift on your breathing part. "Fuck!" The stand had shifted into your breathing cap. Blood came from it biting your lip. "Oh fuck! Its gonna go inside her!" Gramps panicked. The stand slowly made its way into your throat. You choked for air. "Hermit purple!" "heriophant green!" The two yelled, you saw the two tentacles go in your nose. "What the hell!" you groaned feeling it come out of your throat. You felt it pop out of your throat. "Look at that!" Gramps smirked. It suddenly shifted to the wall, clinging onto it. You swam up. following the group. "Here." Jotaro handed you a extra mouth piece. "Thanks."

"Alright. Now, we should be 7 kilometers till shore." Gramps said, "this really wouldn't be a bad vacation ya know?" Polnareff stated in a relaxed tone. "Stop planing out a future honey moon resort and focus!" Gramps got onto him.
"This should be the shore line of Egypt guys!" Avdol held a small navigator. You all smiled. "We made it. Thank god." You said with a smile. Everyone nodded. "Look a tunnel." Avdol pointed towards the two holes. But before anything the sea floor began shifting into a mouth... No high priestess. "Why is it so huge!?" Gramps yelled. You and polnareff did a funny laugh. The moth suddenly opened. "What the-" Kakyoin looked confused. How could a stand be that huge.. Suddenly water was being sucked in, along with the group. "IM SO CONFUSED!?"


you groaned standing up, along with everyone else. "It looks like were inside a mouth." Kakyoin stated. "I'm still hella confused." polnareff sighed. "Oh y'all guys are just funny. This is my stand, high priestess." a woman's voice, rose.
"Ah that makes sense now. She can be made from the ocean floor which has minerals in it." Avdol pointed out. "Aren't you smart. Oh and jotaro." The voice rang, you looked to him, along with everyone else. "You definitely my type, too bad your taken.. but I'll make your death less harsh than the others." She spoke. "Taken? The hell are you saying?" Polnareff asked. The woman laughed. "Well from what ive been told by little birdies is that child of a woman, y/n, is with jotaro." She spoke with a lower tone. You and jotaro raised a brow before chuckling. "Thats false ma'dam." You said. "You think I'd go for someone like her?" Jotaro stated nonchalantly. You gripped the inside of your pockets, even if it was play words, it felt odd.

You hummed, "hey jotaro." You tapped his arm. He looked down to you. "Try to flirt back. it may work." You stated. "But do i really?" He grumbled. You nodded. "Either that or nothing."

"Fine.." Everyone watched confused. Kakyoin hummed. "I get it." Polnareff nodded. "You seem like my type too. Too bad i coulnt see you face." He stated calmly. Even if it was your idea for the best of all of us.... It made you feel weird that some other woman... 'Get your head out of that..' You herd the others say something good. "As another girl. I feel jealous. You sound very mature something i am not." You stated. The mouth was a pinkish red color. "Really. None of you really ment that did you!?" She yelled.

Suddenly jotaro was pulled towards the molers of the mouth. "Jotaro!?" Everyone yelled. "Don't even try punching! These teeth are like diamonds! Unbreakable!"  She laughed. You froze seeing the tooth smash down, "everyone!" You brought out rabbi. "dont get in my way!" She yelled, the tongue moving to back you all off. "RABBI!" you yelled, making many holes through the tongue. She screamed. "WHY YOU!?" suddenly, a weird noise came from outside the teeth. "Everyone down!" You yelled, they looked down to you. "Now!" Gramps yelled. Suddenly teeth shards flew over head. Jotaro was punching all of the teeth, shattering them. You all smirked. "Thats jotaro for you!" Avdol smiled. Swimming outwards, seeing the face disappear.

"Ah land. Such sweet land." You pulled a coke bottle out of your other sweat pocket. "You couldnt pay me to do that again." Gramps sighed. "Hey look a woman." Polnareff walked over to her. "Well??" Everyone of us was curious. He looked back at us with a shocked face. "Nope! Do not look! Its horrific!!" he yelled back, walking towards us. "I'm surprised she didnt shift into one of those coke bottles." Avdol pointed to you. You smirked. "Well, i had it wrapped around the pockets insides. Seeing it only being fabric." You chugged again once more. "Thats not healthy." Kakyoin chuckled. You smiled. "We made it.." Jotaro walked ahead a bit. "Were finally in Egypt." You all smiled.

"After many trips, and battles, only few of the tarot cards are left. Maybe lady luck be on our side."


Sea stars (Jotaro kujo x reader- Complete)Where stories live. Discover now