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You walked with the two guys. "Oh a water way ditch. Hmm this could be fun." Dan smirked, stopping at the edge. "Now if i tried to jump this, is hurt my ankle which wouldnt be good for Joestar. And the bridge is a far walk..." He looked at both you and Jotaro. "Now i belive i need some room to walk for myself, i am a grown man after all. So make yourselves a human bridge." He smirked at both you and jotaro. You both didnt budge, Both of your egos not allowing it. He suddenly kicked one of the metal water filers. You sharply in haled, getting down. Jotaro watched you, shocked. "Poor joestar." Dan mocked. "Whats wrong jotaro! Hehehe. Go on join your little girl friend." He smirked. Jotaro gritted his teeth but placed himself next to you. You both suddenly felt pressure on your backs. You were sure your back popped. "Oh wow! You guys are amazingly sturdy bridges!" He then did a criss cross jump. Almost causing you to fall. You glanced to jotaro, you could see the anger building inside of him. You bit your lip, feeling your pinky being rolled. Blood dripped from your lip, he broke your finger. Tears brimmed your eyes. "That must be a loose screw. Huh." Dan smirked walking off of you two.

You stood up, along with jotaro. You cluthed your pinky, your face darkened along with jotaros. 'He's dead.' Both you and jotaro thought while walking behind him.

"Oh jotaro can you itch my back? Just about mid back?" Dan smirked. You watched as dan hummed with a restful face. "Oh and y/n, I'd love for my hair to not get tangled, can you maybe run your fingers through it?" He looked at you, knowing damn well your pinky is broke. But you did anyway, with your left hand. "Use both, it'll go by faster." he said with a smirk. 'Cocky bastard.' you did so, gently with your right hand. You couldn't heal yourself with Rabbi. You've tried but it didn't work. "Alright lets move on shall we?" He began walking, your pinky caught a small tangle, making it twist weirdly. You winced slowly getting your finger back. Jotaro took notice of your pinky at this time. He looked at you as you moved your hands in your pockets, biting your lip. It made jotaro pissed, more pissed than he already was. You smiled, "hey. Joot." You whispered. You pulled out a pen and a small not pad you kept. "Ive been keeping tab, he's doing more to you so, here." You handed him the small book and red and black pen. He smirked down at you, "funny."

After a while of walking, he sat down on a stair case. Jotaro shining his shoes while you were a arm rest. "heh these puppies will shine in the sunlight now, more if you use your tongue." Dan smirked. You watched as jotaro pulled out that book. "Hey! What are you writing!?" Dan got up quickly. "Keeping a tab, you'll be sure to pay in full." Jotaro smirked, you smiled with a small chuckle. "You-" dan slapped jotaro, Your eyes widened. "just wait, both of you. Hehehe." He smirked. "Disgusting play boy." You mumbled, but he herd it, he snapped towards you. "What was that bitch?" He smirked down at you, grabbing you by your hair. You didnt flinch. He rammed his foot into your abdomen, making you spit blood. "Hey, if you wanna kick someone around, I'm right here buddy." Jotaro said from behind dan. He turned around, dropping you. "Oh? Really now? But you werent the bitch that said that." Dan glared at you, which you only stood up. "Yeah, and you can kick me as much as you like play boy." You smirked at him. He got more annoyed. "Im not a play boy!" He yelled. You looked away. "Your chest is expose in a v-neck shirt, and that hair and your skin tone definitely shows off a lot of appeal to many. Now if you look at Jotaro here, he's covered up like a sensible human, he looks presentable, not a man whore." You stated calmly. Your eyes fogged over, you felt dizzy but stuck through. He slapped you. "keep moving or I'll make sure that pretty mouth will be speaking for something different." He glared at you before walking off. You walked next to jotaro. He scribbled something down on the book and handed it to you.

"You couldn't keep your mouth shut could you?" You smirked, writing something back. "I don't care. He can hit me all he wants get him worked up." You handed it back to jotaro. Who only smirked at that. Dan had lead you both to a jewelry shop. The amazing jewels shined. You never cared for jewelry, maybe when you where younger but not now.

"Jotaro do you see that bracelet. Any girl would fall head over heels for me if i had that." dan smirked. You scoffed, jotaro didnt move. "Or I'll do it myself... But I'd probably get beaten by cops and joestar wouldn't be too well after wards." He smirked evily. "C'mon moron. Just take it before the shopkeeper turns around." you both watched as jotaro use star platinum to grab it. "Hes stealing the bracelet! A thief!" Dan yelled, pointing at Jotaro. The old man looked up from the counter. "Keep him there I'll get security!" He yelled running. You glared at dan. "Oh ho ho! This is amazing! And neither of you can do any-" seeing security you run up to them. "Sirs I'm sorry to bug you! But that man is the wrong man! The real thief went down the street! He's just testing the bracelet!" you perked your chest out a little bit, and gave them sad eyes. The three men gave you a sincere look. "Yes ma'am! Justice awaits!" One yelled, you pointed down the street and they ran. Dan scoffed. You turned around. "Remember play boy, your dealing with some grade A bullshit that is me." you walked back towards them.
"Whatever, their distracted let's go." Dan scoffed then smirked leaving with the jewelry in hand. You both followed him out. Jotaro laughed, "whats so damn funny!" Dan asked annoyed. Jotaro looked to him. "Your tab is double and its got me pumped." he smiled, you never really paid attention to when he really smiled or laughed. But his smile is... Attractive. You smiled to yourself. Dan pushed him down to the ground, kicking him and stepping on him.
"Oh shut up! Your old man isnt gonna be here for the long run! Thats the reality." Dan smirked but glared at jotaro. Jotaro chuckled with a smirk. "You don't know us very we'll do you?" he smirked, dan confused. "You dont know Kakyoin very well." You finished with a smirk, making him look to you. His face annoyed and fed up. Suddenly his head spewed blood. You helped jotaro up, ready with a smirk. "Well well look what we have here. Kakyoin got you really good." Jotaro grinned. You smirking. "Let's hope so, because fuck im just as hype as you right now." You rested your hand on your hip, jotaro smirked. "Good." Dan began backing away. "Well aren't you gonna tell me about my grandfathers death?" Jotaro asked, dan tried running away, you made a dip in the ground, having him slip and jotaro grabbing his hair. "Your not trying to run away right?" You asked. "after all youve done?" Jotaro glared. Dan broke free, clutching onto both your leg and jotaros. "Please forgive me! Jotaro, y/n! Please I'll spit shine your shoes! Please! Beat me anyway! Just don't kill me!" He began to beg. even licking jotaros shoes. He shifted back a little, star platinum catching the lovers. Squashing him. "Please!-" his arm broke, you smirked. "i knew youd pull something shitty like this." jotaro smirked. You glared at the man, who began begging and complementing both of your stands. "I can't even move-" he began screaming. "I'll let you go if you never return to my face." Jotaro glared. "Yes! I'll go to the other side of the world and never bother you or y/n ever again! And i mean that!" He yelled, bowing his head down. Jotaro gave you a side glance. Seeing your annoyed face, he watched as Rabbi skipped to his pinky, making him jump. "P...please!" He begged, you put tiny holes in his finger, making him scream. "Let's go." Jotaro said. You nodded. "Get lost play boy." You turned around with jotaro.  Some kids appeared infront of you, "dont move! I put the lovers in that girls ear! You guys wouldn't let a little girl die!" He yelled, "now dont move! I'll stab both of you!" He yelled walking towards you. You smirked seeing him freeze infront of jotaro. "What was that? About stabbing us?" Jotaro asked with a smirk. Jotaro grabbed the knife and shoved it in his cheek.

"Heirophant green attached a tentacle to your stand. Pulling it." You smirked. He had a look of fear in his eyes. You and jotaro closed in on him, he fell on the ground. "Please f...forgive me!" He yelled, "give that woman, enyaba, your apology." Jotaro said coldly. star platinum punching him. "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA." you smirked. rabbi tapping the ground behind dan into a ditch. "ORAAA!" and one last hard punch shot him into the ditch, that then crumbled with stone. "Here's your receipt, keep the damn change." He ripped out the tabs both you and him wrote and threw it over the ditch. You both turning around, walking back to where grams, Kakyoin and pol were.

"All in all, he seemed gay."


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