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You and polnareff shook Kakyoin awake. "Kakyoin! Kakyoin!" Both of you said, he suddenly sat up, panting. "I had the freakiest dream..." He spoke, you sighed. "We can tell, you were yelling." You stated, he hummed, "well tell us about it!" Polnareff opened the window, blinding both of you. "Thats the thing..i dont remember it." He held his head in his hands. You and polnareff looked at eachother before shrugging. You grabbed your duffle bag, "well get ready, were leaving by plane in a few." Pol stated leaving, you right behind him.


You walked with polnareff and Kakyoin outside. You could hear gramps argue about something from a good feet away. "What's going on?" You asked jotaro, pol and Kakyoin also curious. "Some reason we can't get on the plane." He stated cooly. You all nodded. Your face heated up, remembering last night before bed. You suddenly herd a baby cry. You looked to see a nun holding a small basket with a baby in it. "He is greatly ill. And we have no doctors in this town!" One man argued. You hummed watching gramps and the mam argue. "How bout you take him with you guys." The nun a poke softly. Even though gramps declined. You all sat in the plane, the basket was sat onto your lap.

"Why my lap? Can't we just duck tape it to the top of the plane?" You asked with a annoyed voice. You could hear stifled laughs. "Because it was mentally voted from all of us that since your the only woman it'd make sense-" you wacked Gramps on the shoulder. "Be glad your flying this plane gramps." You huffed, making pol and Kakyoin chuckle. You noticed something off about Kakyoin, or maybe he's still thinking about that dream he had. You looked down at the baby. 'What?!' you couldve sworn it smirked. You shake off the thought thinking you just need more to eat later. You closed your eyes, but light as you opened them, bright colors of a.... "Where are we?" You looked to see polnareff and Kakyoin next to you. "yeah! Where are we!?" He second. 'is this a ferris wheel?' You jump seeing a dogs corpse. "Thats... The dog from this morning... Isn't it?" You asked, Kakyoin nodding. "This.. Was that dream i had." he stated. Polnareff flopped down. "Oh if its just a dream then..." suddenly popcorn and ice cream appeared in his hands. "Then anything can happen if you know its a dream." He finished, licking the ice cream. "but there was a stand! Death 13!" Kakyoin looked at polnareff. "So you had a dream about stands?" You asked. He looked at you before back to polnareff. "You guys don't get it!" He slammed his hand down on the support beam. Suddenly the dog started spewing blood next to polnareff. You all panicked. "You all dont get it do you!?" A higher pitched tone spoke. But from the... Dog... Suddenly a megaphone popped out. You all watched panicked. "What the hell is going on!?" Polnareff yelled. Suddenly a large cloak in a clown aesthetic came out of the dogs eye. He held a long weapon. It was like... Death... It aimed for polnareff, digging the point in his mouth. "Heriophant green! Attack!" "Rabbi!" You both yelled, but nothing. You couldn't summon any of your stands. "ISNT IT ROMANTIC TO DIE IN A DREAM!" he yelled, about to slash at polnareff, but he started fading. "Damn it! someone woke him up!" Death 13 yelled. He turned towards you and Kakyoin. "Now now." Kakyoin and you both got nervous, you fell back into the seat, suddenly being melted into it, Kakyoin being melted into the beam. "Your death has been moved up young lady!!" He yelled, you panicked. You remembered something. You were carrying Jotaros watch. both you and Kakyoin had the same idea. "I AM 11 MONTHS. ALMOST A YEAR OLD! Both of you better stop freaking out before this stupid plane crashes!" He yelled, you and Kakyoin gasped. "Your that baby!" Kakyoins eyes widend. "I was told you both were clever. Now!" He lifted his sythe towards you. You had put "baby stand" with the glass of the watch. Kakyoin noticed your idea and began to do the same with the knife. "Cutting wont wake you up fools!" Suddenly you began to disappear. "HOW CAN-" you faded out, feeling someone shake you awake. "Y/n!" polnareff stopped shaking you once your eyes opened. "Can you tell me if this is correct?" He held the baby upside down. You groaned. "What the fuck...." You saw the baby. "Polnareff your holding the thing upside down. Here lemme do it." You fixed the diaper and even put baby powder on him. Suddenly Kakyoin started screaming and yelling. "KAKYOIN!"  You all yelled, he decked you in the face a few times and kicked gramps, causing the plane to go down. "Were gonna crash old man!" Jotaro yelled. "Hold Kakyoin! I'll fix this!" Gramps snapped back, you held Kakyoins arm, while jotaro got his leg.
"Hermit Purple!!" The plane then lifted up. You all let out a sigh of relif. "Every time old man..." Jotaro sighed. You looked at Kakyoin. "Gramps- the palm tre-" the plane hit a set of palm trees.

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