「 09 」

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"he cares about others, yet he doesn't care whether he's hurt or not. he would help others first even if he's suffering on his own. he thinks he's so fucking independent. and i despise him for it. if he would've been selfish at times, he wouldn't fucking end up here. he wouldn't've suffered. yet he didn't even confess to dream in the first place. yet he didn't take the risk of surgery. if he would've been selfish and valued his own life, he would still be happy as a bird, and i wouldn't even have the thought of hating this place. it wouldn't hurt him if he relied to us more. if he valued to live, then i would've been fine even if he forgets all of the memories we all had together. we would still be happy. happy for him. happy that he's alive." after all that talk, nick coughed up yet again another batch of petals.

darryl kept quiet, indulging in the seconds of silence when nick ended his talk.

"but nick... aren't you the same?"

"huh? what do you mean?

"don't they always say that you hate the people who are similar to you?

"huh? what nonsense are you sayinㅡ" nick stopped talking as he felt a sensation in his lungs and throat. he touched it, checking if something just happened. he widened his eyes in realization, knowing that the sensation he felt was this feeling of his lungs and throat being washed clean. he coughed for one last time, but no petals came out.

looking at his palm that had no petals, he started to shake in fear. wide-eyed, his vision became blurry, as his ears automatically shut every noise. the only thing he can hear was his heartbeat rapidly going faster.

"nick? nick?? what's wrong??" darryl asked in concern. nick couldn't answer as he only looked at darryl and his palm.

"d-darryl... the petals..."

"w-what..." darryl looked at his palm, afraid that he had the idea of what nick wanted to say.

"i didn't... cough up petals... t-that means... george... george isㅡ" nick stopped talking when he looked behind darryl and saw a group of nurses and a doctor rushing to the direction of where george's room is. he didn't know if they were going to george's room, but he had the instinct to follow them.

"nick?? hey nick!" darryl exclaimed and followed nick, who seemed to almost go crazy, yet darryl was also already on the verge of tears. he tried to deny what his mind already realized, and also started to follow the group of doctors.

"DREAM WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!" nick was able to muster up and ask the question on what he already knew the answer to.

on the bed laid george, along with the annoying sound of the machine signifying his death.

               ㅡ hanakotoba. 「 sapnap x george, sapnapnotfound 」!finished!Where stories live. Discover now