「 11 (put the song on repeat) 」

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[ a/n ]
ㅡ long chapter ahead.


we all decided to open the minecraft world we left ages ago. the world no one dared to open, or their hurts will hurt. the world no one dared to look at, fearing that they will just cry.

but years later, we all decided to do so.

as we spawned in the world, we all just stayed quiet. darryl might've been silently crying already, seeing that the world already reminded us of him.

as we all looked around, we found an unfamiliar chest so we all opened it, seeing that there were books dedicated to each of us.

from george. the book said.

just seeing the title already made me burst into tears. and maybe hearing me crying, darryl had also decided to cry his tears out loud.

yet even though i was crying, i clicked to the next page.

'you know that legendary mlg tower you and dream danced to rasputin with? do an mlg jump, i have a message waiting for you at the end. :)'

i went outside the house and went to the tower, i passed by the water where i'm supposed to land with, seeing that there was a chest in front of it. it must've been the message george was saying.

i climbed up the long tower, remembering that dream dancing to rasputin made me laugh a little bit. those were the good times.

after a few seconds i reached the tower, seeing a sign there that says:

'you can do it! - george'

this fucking guy.

i wasn't even able to move my avatar, because more tears just came out.

why would you leave us in more pain of missing you?

i cried for a long time, before finally having the courage to jump off the tower. i easily made it to the bottom, as i even tried to do a 360° jump. i jumped out of the water and opened the chest. there was another book there, again saying, 'from george.'

i opened the book, seeing the long message before me.

'hi nick,

i really don't know what to say here. you might see this while i'm still alive so it'll be a bit awkward but bear with me for a while.'

'i'm sorry. for not being there beside you anymore. i'm sorry that i already stopped in my journey, while i watched you all continue on. even until now, i see that you're all far away in your journey already, while mine ended a long time ago. i know you had a lot of questions, but didn't care to ask them, and you weren't able to, because i'm dead.'

'i said a different thing to dream. in his book, i've joked that if i'm somehow still alive today then it's a prank. but you and i already know that the prank won't happen. i tried not to make the wound deeper for him, as i know that he'll probably blame himself for my death.'

               ㅡ hanakotoba. 「 sapnap x george, sapnapnotfound 」!finished!Where stories live. Discover now