「 epilogue。」

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clay had told both darryl and i that george gave us the permission to take care of his cat. i suddenly agreed and tried to go to london after the funeral, yet darryl wasn't ready yet. and maybe on second thought, i really wasn't too.

maybe it was my reflexes to agree immediately, or maybe my mind was just closed to everything to be easily able to agree to things. or maybe it was because george's cat was the only one closest to george as a remembrance.

getting ready actually took us 5 years. because when darryl was ready, i suddenly backed out. i don't know, maybe it was because i don't want to accept reality yet. deep down inside, i'm still waiting for him to come out of nowhere, telling us that everything was just a prank, with that big, dumb smile of his. but in the end, it won't happen.

so we both had the courage to take it in after finishing the world of memories we all had with george. maybe finishing the world both served as a double-edged sword. we were able to finish it because of george, and it reminded us of the great and happy memories we had with him, where we worried about nothing. but it was also a very painful slap to the reality that he's already gone.

george's mom had informed us that the cat's living with her, so we rode the plane along with dream, and went to london. this reminded me of when we were worried and george asked us for help so we rode to london, without even telling dream. when george was still alive. the only difference is, he's dead. and our purpose of going is to take custody of his cat. it's also getting really old now.

the moment we sat down, clay and darryl was already asleep. i chuckled at their state, seeing darryl leaning on clay's shoulder, because he was shorter, although they were both tall. clay on the other hand, used darryl's head as his support. darryl looks sick though, and i'm very concerned. i'll just ask him later.

i left them be as they peacefully slept, while i stared out the window. i chuckled as i remembered this same situation 5 years ago, when i looked out the window, and said, one day, george will be running around here in these clouㅡ


nick suddenly stopped his thoughts as he was staring outside the window of the plane.

did i just see something?

he didn't realize that there are already tears coming out of his eyes, because his mind already processed what happened. yet he can't still believe it. there was a shift in the clouds where it looked like someone sprung out from the clouds then dived into another cloud.

...what he said before became true.

he smiled in pain, as the plane already moved passed the clouds, saying goodbye to the silhouette of george he just saw.

george, i think i believe in angels now.

               ㅡ hanakotoba. 「 sapnap x george, sapnapnotfound 」!finished!Where stories live. Discover now