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Jenny's POV

"Hey babe, Abby called and,she demanded we come over to the house for dinner tomorrow" I told Xavier while fixing his tie.

"That's funny, she fails to see that she can't order us. I guess she feels she has control over us because of the respect we have for your father. Nevertheless, I'll inform my assistant to clear my schedule so that I'll  be home early." I'm so blessed to have Xavier. No matter what happens or how busy he is, he always comes through for me no matter what.

"Alright my love, thanks so much for always being there for me. I love you so much." I never knew that love could feel so wonderful.

"I'm sure you know that I can do anything for you because where you are is where my home and happiness is. I love you so much my angel" I felt his lips moving against mine. I could feel his hands running through my body as the kiss became deeper. Suddenly, I remembered he had an important meeting this morning so I pulled away. "Baby, you have that meeting today so you have to go to work now."

"Shit! you are right . I've got to go angel, take care of yourself my love" he gave me a quick kiss and left.

"You know, I can't wait to take this dress off you and have my way with you when we get back home." he had a devilish look on his face filled with lust. I could feel my face heat up and immediately, I looked away. "You look lovely when you blush,so don't you ever hide your face from me. By the way we have arrived,let's get this done with. "I love you so much" Xavier said with a brief kiss on my lips. "I love you more" I told him with a feeling of content in my heart.

Xavier's POV

"So Xavier,how has business been?" Jenny's dad asked me

"Business has been good sir " I guess he just asked in order to make the dinner less awkward. Cindy and Abby tried separating me from Jenny by making her sit beside Eric while i sit beside Cindy and i almost gave them a piece of my mind but my angel really surprised me by standing up to them. She ordered Eric to stand up for me and he obeyed because everyone could feel her savage don't mess with me' aura. Since then Cindy has been trying to get my attention. My whole attention has been on Jenny,she seems different. She seems more confident and her tolerance level is really low. I feel she might be hiding something but i trust her to tell me in her own time.

"Jennifer ,don't you think you are putting on too much weight. You need to cut down on what you eat. You were just stuffing your face with food throughout dinner" Abby sneered.
This woman is really getting on my nerves. I did notice that Jenny eats more than usual but I love how her curves are more pronounced now and let me not even get started on her boobs.
"I see nothing wrong with how she eats. To be sincere,I love the fact there is more flesh for me to hold when I'm making love to my woman" I felt a light nudge on my leg and I smirked knowing fully well the effect my words had on my angel.

"By the way, Eric and I are over because he wants Jenny back. So Jenny,I know you still love him so you can have him back and I won't be in your way because I'm in love with Xavier " Cindy said with a sultry look on her face directed at me.

This bitch ...."Thanks for the reassurance Cindy but that won't be possible because I belong to Xavier and he belongs to me so you can back off my man and keep Eric. Just so you know, when I say stay off Xavier ,I mean it because I don't mind getting my hands dirty just to show you that you have no chance with my man" my angel told her with a cold look.

"Wow Jenny! i never knew how desperate you are till now. Putting on a ring to make it seem as if you are married to Xavier is really pitiful because he can't commit to someone like you." Cindy is really trying her best to intimidate my angel so I guess I'll step in and put her in her place.

"Well,I don't think she is being desperate by putting on her wedding ring when in actual sense she is my wife" I replied Cindy with so much disgust.

Jenny's POV

"Wife?" Abby ,Eric and Cindy voiced out at the same time with a confused tone .

"Yes. Xavier and Jenny got married about two weeks ago" Dad told them with a nonchalant look.

"And how do you know that?" Abby asked with a look of disbelief

"I was a witness to their union. Speaking of marriage, my lawyers would be here tomorrow with divorce papers which I expect you to sign and don't fight it because I've already built a strong case against you" shit just hit the fan. I love this dinner

Hi guys.. So I just want to use this opportunity to give some words of advice to all ladies.
If by any chance your man is caught cheating, rather than pick a fight with the lady in question, speak to him. Sometimes, a guy can keep a lady in the dark about his relationship status. Do you notice that guyz have this bro code stuff which makes them not to fight because of a lady or even keep grudges for long but ladies... We take it to heart too much. Take Natasha's case for example. She never knew but got punished wrongly. If the lady in question is behaving like a bitch just like Cindy,  then whoop her ass.

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