[1] Red

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The cold bathroom floor felt so familiar whenever she's angry.

It was nothing like last time.

Breathing heavily, she tried standing up again, but it somehow seemed like there were weights on her shoulders that wanted to pull her back down again.

Once she was able to stand, her hands grabbed onto the sink, supporting her body so she could stand upright.

Sighing, her eyes wandered up to the mirror. She stared at herself and her glowing red eyes, before she suddenly snapped.

"This is bullshit..." Mumbeling this, she closed her eyes, trying to focus on the thought of calming down.

Always remember what the others told you, everything's going to be alright once your eyes are back to normal, Ryujin.

It felt hard calming down, especially when something like this happened to her, but she still tried, mostly because she didn't want to disappoint her friends, not again, not this fucking time.

She took on last deep breath before she opened her eyes again, staring at her reflection in the mirror, before noticing how her eyecolor was flickering in the rhythm of her pulse, slowly fading away.

Dropping back down again, she leaned her back against the wall, closing her eyes and focusing on her breathing pattern.

As she sat there, all by herself, she almost jumped up when her phone started ringing.

Without hesitating, she pulled it out of the pocket of her jeans and accepted the call after she saw the name "Yeji" on the screen.


"Ryujin, what did you do this time?"

Yeji almost seemed annoyed as she said that, which made Ryujin sigh slightly.

"You make it seem like it's my fault."

"Did he punch you first?"

No answer. It was true, Ryujin was the first to start a physical fight, but he obviously wanted it that way. Nobody challenges Shin Ryujin, everyone knows that. She heard how Yeji sighed on the other end.

"You don't have to punch people to keep your reputation up, you know."

"He started it!"

"And you have been blessed to have superhuman strength! You know that he could have gotten hurt much worse, but you still punched him!"

Ryujin remained silent for a few seconds. She knew she was right, but the right thing to do never feel right to her.

"...I'm sorry for being like this."

"I don't want to make you feel like shit, Ryujin. You just... need to learn to contain your emotions. You need to learn to remain calm on the outside, even though you're extremly pissed off on the inside."

"I know... I just don't know how I should do this."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out somehow. Look, if you still want to, you could join us in the cafeteria. Maybe we can just hang out for a bit, it could also calm you down after all."

Ryujin stood up from the cold tiles of the bathroom, before grabbing her bag, which also laid on the floor, looking in the mirror on last time, noticing how her eyes were back to their ordinary color.

"Sure, I'm coming."


She was so sick of being treated like a piece of shit.

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