titz: goDDANGIT

558 13 11

tam was unloading the dishwasher when he realized.
"FITZ," he called.
"YEAH BABE?" his husband replied.
"what's up?" fitz asked.
"fitz, you fucking idiot, you don't put cast iron skillets in the dishwasher. that ruins them," tam answered, rubbing his face with exasperation.
"wait, what?"
"d- did you not know?" he asked.
"no? how was i meant to know?"
"fitz we've lived together for 5 years and you do the dishes more than i do," tam sighed.
"we never use cast iron skillets though," fitz answered.
"oh my god you fucking idiot," tam muttered, pulling fitz in for a kiss.
"FUCK!" tam exclaimed. his ass hit the floor as the stool buckled.
"BABE ARE YOU OKAY?" fitz asked, running in.
"could you at least help me up?"
"yeah i got you," fitz answered, his voice quieting.
fitz pulled him up. when both men were standing up, fitz's arm wrapped tam's waist.
"tricky bastard," tam muttered fondly, pulling his husband in for a kiss.
"hey babe are you okay?" tam asked. fitz had been upset lately.
"i just... feel like such an idiot. i know it's because i was raised in an environment where i never had to do housework like assembling barstools or doing dishes, and so when you get upset at me for not knowing how to, it feels bad because i just never learned and i know you're not trying to make me feel bad but it just... happens. and i know it's stupid and childish to be upset about it, but-"
"it's not childish. your feelings matter, and i apologize for it. i've just always lived with linh, who had to learn how to do this kinda stuff with me. it's always instinctual. if you want me to teach you to do this dumb domestic shit, i will happily do so. if you wanna just make out for a little bit, i will also happily do so. if you ever wanna learn to do something, you know where to find me. because we're stuck at home. and we live together."
fitz snorted.
"the second option sounds great."

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