WHO DID IT? • 23

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The weeks after prom was agony for the coffee haired girl.

Her conscience was keeping her awake last night. She was absolutely guilty. Especially when she saw how the incident affected Lia.

She was mad at herself for giving in to peer pressure, even if it meant going against her beliefs, and what was right.

She was close to almost isolating herself. She denied hangout offers, pushed people away, and fell silent, drowning in her thoughts.

But one night, she decided, enough is enough. She had to tell someone, and she eventually had to tell Yuna off too.

She was ready to tell Lia, honestly, but she was gone, not responding yo anyone's messages, not even hers. So she chose to attepmt to tell Yeji first.

She feels that Yeji, with her personality and major, would be able to listen well, and give her advice, but she was scared. Of Yuna.

The way Yuna acted the time she helped her, how she saw darkness in her eyes, how she saw how much greed and how much selfishness enveloped it, frightened her.

So, she kept hesitating. To the point that she followed Yeji multiple times, attempting to approach her and tell her already, but her fear stopped her everytime.

Even if she saw Yeji dropped her name tag, giving her more reason to approach, she still bailed. She was really afraid of what Yuna could do.

If she did such a monstrous deed to Jisu, who knows what could she do to her, right?

She was so scared she kept forgetting Yeji's name tah too, until the day of the sleepover came.

Yuna was starting to have strange feeling that Chaeryeong will spill what she had done.

Chaeryeong has been noticeably avoiding her ever since prom, and she starting to get scared.

If Chaeryeong tells anyone about her agenda, shw would lose everything. She would lose her followers and fans. All the love she worked to hard to get.

She couldn't risk that.

As Alison DitLaurentis said, "Two can only keep a secret if one of them is dead."

She really didn't want to get this far. But Chaeryeong will tell one way or another. Especially when Lia comes back.

So, she purposely planned a bloodless murder. One that would lessen her trace.

She snuck into the chem lab on afternoon to steal some cyanide. One of the most lethal poison that she knew. Mix it with almost anything, and it kills in minutes.

She had to be quick though, because Ryujin was coming soon, she did it as fast as she could, and pressed pubg immedietly after she came out of the lab, to divert suspicion.

She actually planned to poison Chaeryeong in her home. It was convenient, and provides her an easy way to escape. Especially when the coffee haired girl invited her for a sleepover.

But her friends asked her to hang, so, she thought, the murder can wait.

She was really delusionally clouded with the fame.

When she declined that sleepover with Ryeong, she almost decided not to push through. She thought, if she wanted to snitch, she would've done so already,, she kind of pushed away the thought. Not even she found another opportunity once Jisu came back and invited them for a slumber party.

Until the Friday afternoon of the sleepover came.

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