Chapter 5

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Felica wakes up at a hospital with no one around her but her doctors and nures.

"Where is your parents and or family?" A short, fat, brown hair nurse asks.

"Where do you live?" Asks a tall, skinny, blond nurse.

"No, Who are you?" Asks the tall male doctor.

"What happened to you?" Asks the fat nurse.

"Awnser us!" Yells the doctor.

Felica rolls onto her side to see Brad smiling at her through the window that shows the hallway.

"Brad!" Felica mumbles when rolling onto her back.

"Brad.."Mumbles the group when writing stuff down on their fancy clip boards.

After about an hour of studying Felica they let her going seeing that there is a war and she is perfectly find. Personally Felica wants to stay but they drug her and drop her off at the mall. She wanders around it because she is broke at least she thinks. She reaches into her pocket to find a cheap flip phone and some money. A credit card and $ 1 000 cash!

"Alone...." She mumbles over and over again till everyone knows what that word means to her. Then a brilliant thought goes into her head.

"I'm going home!" She yells when running out of the mall.

Three days on the greyhound may have sucked but now she sees her dad in the emergancy house. Quickly she runs up to her dad Willfred but before she can get there a tank crosses her path.

"DADDY!" She screams when the soldiers from the tank aim at her dad.

With a quick mover her dad runs to her and picks her up.

"Ssshh. We are going to hide and then excape." He tells her when running over the train tracks that go straight through the middle of the town.

"Now where is your mother and siblings?" He asks her.

"Well the thing about that is..."

"Is what! We are now safe we are on the ski hill so spit it out!"

"Well if you must know."

"Yes, I must!"

"Some gangers came into the house and shot them and then burned the house to the ground so I took all my valuables and fled. Then this dude with a sniper chased me over a water fall then I almost died but these two boys found me. Then I kissed one and they both died and then I had to get away from the dude again so I flowed down a river. I got picked up by a helicopter and went to the hospital where they gave me money. Then I got a greyhound to bring me here. And then this is where we are now."

"So my wife and my kids are dead."

"Yes, well except me! I love you!"

"I love you too but all my family is dead. I never should have moved here to mine for that magic that the legands said."

"Is there even magic."

"Yes, I found it...."

"So make everything go back to normal."

"That's the thing you need to fight everyone, win and be the king or queen before you can use it."

"Well you can kill me and everyone else and then turn everything back to normal."

"I could never kill you or even hurt you. You are my baby girl!"

Felica hugs her dad when suddenly a huge bomb goes off in the middle of town and every explodes and or catches on fire!

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