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Minna-san! Gomenasai! Celia Keeps changing her mind because she can't decide on a name. This time she has decided to leave it at Stellar Nanase. Don't worry everything else will stay the same. Again very sorry!

Rikki P.O.V.

"Sister!? How come we never knew Bout this!?" I freaked out. "Well no one ever bothered to ask." Stellar shrugged. "That's true." Hope agreed. "So when will she be stopping by?" Kannah squealed excitedly.

"She said she'd meet us in Colorado which just happends to be our next location right Makarov?" Kaimira said. That is correct. There you will have to take care of ice, wind, and lightning mages. Now hurry.

Stellar P.O.V.

"Oh hell to the no. I was on 2 different planes getting here. I'm not getting on another one of those death traps again!" I said turning green at the thought. "Well you'll be asleep the whole time." Crystal grinned evilly.

Now I'm going to run for my life. "You can't make me! I'd rather walk!" I yelled running around town with Crystal chasing me. "We are not walking 1,200 miles just because of your stupid motion sickness!"

Suddenly seeing everyone staring at my teeth and scales with horrified looks I stopped running. I clenched my teeth together. "What the hell are you all staring at!" I yelled. "Mommy is that scary person going to hurt us?" A little girl asked.

"Don't look at her." She said running away with her child. So they're scared of me? "I'll give them something to be scared of." My eyes turned into the blood red they were before and wings sprouted on my back.

Kaimira P.O.V.

Chasing after Stellar and Crystal I stopped seeing flames erupt into the sky and something appearing from it. A-A dragon! "This message is to those of the prophecy. I'll be taking Stellar Nanase. She will not be harmed but made stronger." I heard in my mind.

"What the hell! Bring her back this instant!" I yelled. I followed to where it was but when I got there it disappeared. Crystal was standing there in complete shock. "Crystal! What happend!?" I yelled shaking her.

"I don't know myself. All I remember is seeing Stellar stop and yell "Stop staring at me!" and then say "I'll give them something to be scared of." Then she was covered in flames! Wings came out of her back and then bam! Time stops and a dragon comes out of nowhere!" She yelled emphasizing the bam.

"Well lets get back and ask Makarov to see what we have to do." I said turning around and walking back. Crystal quickly following.

"Makarov? Makarov?!?! We need your help, please!?!" I yelled looking everywhere at my surroundings. What is it my child? What has happend? Makarov asked.

"I don't exactly know what happend but apparently a dragon came and took Stellar with it! What do we do!?" I yelled. Well just carry on with the mission and I'll find a way. "Are you serious! So we're just gonna leave her! She's my best friend! I can't just abandon her!" I yelled at Makarov.

Calm down. I just realized that was Igneel. Igneel was Natsu's dragon father. "So she's safe then?" I asked. Yes. I believe he's only taken her to the dragon relm to make her stronger since she is one of the prophecy.

"Well that's good. Like he said. She won't be in any harm. Now we know we can go to Colorado without having to worry." Crystal said. "Yeah. Let's head out now so that we can get there before dark." I said.

"Alright. I'll tell the others. You stay out here and cool down." Crystal said entering the room.

*With Stellar & Igneel*

Stellar P.O.V.

"What the hell? Where am I? And ... why aren't my lips moving when I talk!?" 'Oh I see you're awake.' I turned to my left and saw a huge red dragon standing there. "What am I doing here?" I asked.

'Well I brought you here to train you to become stronger. As strong as my son Natsu was, possibly stronger. But you will be doing something tricky.' "What will I be doing?" I asked.

'We will try to teach you every dragon slayer magic we poses. Fire, wind, iron, light, shadow,  etc. It will be the first time it will be done so feel privileged.'

"This is gonna be so cool! I'll be unstoppable!" I cheered. 'Do not and I repeat do NOT! Use these powers for evil! You will be so strong that you will literally be unstoppable.' Igneel warned.

"Okay. I promise!" I saluted. 'Oh and a piece of advice. Stay away from Acnologia.' Igneel warned. "Alright. If only I knew who he was." I said. 'He's all black with blue markings. You can't miss him.'

"Alright. I'll watch out for him." You said. 'Good. Now let's get started shall we?' "Yeah! Let's go!"

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