Chapter 4

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—— Hermione ——

After the feast, Prof. McGonagall gave the speech that Dumbledore used to, except for one thing: introducing the new DADA teacher. I was almost certain that it was the people Ginny had met, but she hadn't gotten the guy's name. Now we learned that it was Percy Jackson. That name rang a bell, I just couldn't think of where I'd seen it. True to Ginny's description, he looked like a taller, more muscular version of Harry, but with vivid sea green eyes that Ginny hadn't gotten the chance to see.

I could tell they were both in for a lot of trouble, as they were both very attractive. I could already see most of the guys staring at Prof. Chase with a predatory look on their face and most of the girls doing the same to Prof. Jackson. To me, it seemed obvious that they were together, if only because Ginny had said they'd been leaning on each other to sleep.

I wondered what this new class was going to be like. Would we just learn special healing spells? If so, why would it be mandatory at such a young age? Not to mention the fact that it was mandatory for N.E.W.T. students. There are no mandatory classes in N.E.W.T. level, it's practically the whole idea. Unless it's not in the N.E.W.T.s, in which case, why are we even doing it?

All of these thought zipped through my head as Prof. McGonagall waited for the shock of her words to wear out. Then she continued:

"They will also be acting as co-heads of gryffindor house," this was met, oddly enough, with silence. "The school of magic they studied in took after us and they were sorted into gryffindor. Any further questions may be asked in class."

After the rest off the usual announcements that no one, least of all Harry, Ron and I, follow (don't go in the Forbidden Forest, no items from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes allowed, and so on.) we were sent to bed. Ron and I were no longer prefects, being in seventh year (technically speaking), but I was Head Girl. My duties for tonight consisted mainly of passing on the password to prefects, which I'd already done.

On the way to the common room, I heard many whispers and conversations that went something like this: "They're so young!", "Yeah, but he's really hot!", "So is she!", "Maybe we could slip him a love potion, I wonder what kind of sweets he likes.", etc...

The rest of the evening, before going to bed, Harry, Ron, Ginny and I talked about the teachers and speculated about the new class and how they might teach DADA. After having six different teachers for the subject, you start to wonder what the variation will be. We all agreed that they seemed laid back, but could probably be very powerful and strict if you disrespected them. I told everyone how I recognized his name and hers, though more his, but didn't know where I'd seen it.

"You probably read it," Ron supplied, shrugging it off. "They're pretty common names in America and that's obviously where their accent's from. Anyway, I'm going to bed," he stood, gave me a kiss and walked up the stairs to his dormitory. We all went up one by one after that, saying goodnight.

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A/N: Thanks for reading and please comment, vote, etc...!

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