22. A Change

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"Why do you come to me at this hour?"

Theodore opened the door to his cousin but remained cautious. Paulo swore Destan was an ally, but trust did not come easy to princes of the Kingdom, and even a distant male relative could be a potential rival. Yet, the handsome Water Priest had a way about him, soothing Theodore's concerns when their eyes met.

"I must leave earlier than I anticipated and need to ask you to watch over Lukas." The priest entered the room, and Theodore ushered him toward one of the chairs near his fireplace. "He is in a vulnerable place now, and I fear others will take advantage of him."

"And you trust me not to?" Theodore grabbed a flask and poured his favorite golden wine into two small goblets, offering one to Destan before taking a drink himself.

"The Lady trusts you not to. I admit feeling ambiguous."

"The Lady?" Her involvement surprised Theodore. He had not met many Water priests, as very few had survived the purge, but he knew who the Lady was. Paulo sometimes used this title for the Water Elemental, or Goddess, as they named her in the Queendom.

"I do not understand it myself. She knows you, despite your lack of Water magic, and she trusts you."

"Perhaps because of the Master."

"Yes, perhaps." Destan sipped his drink before continuing, "The Master has called me; he requires my healing powers."

"Is he injured?" The rush of anxiety pushed his stomach towards his feet and prompted his words before he could school his expression. He could tell by Destan's look that he had revealed much in that outburst.

"No, it is for Natalia. She requires more healing than he or his sister can perform."

"Have you told Lukas that you are leaving?" Since he arrived on his boat, Lukas had only interacted with Destan.

"I have. And I have told him that you are a friend." Destan visibly weighed his following words. "He needs comfort. He may demand more from you than you are willing to give him."

"How do you mean?" Theodore had a fair idea of what the priest intimated.

"Hmm," Destan swirled the liquid around in his glass, and his lips curled down. "I am less concerned for him than I was when I entered. Your loose reputation seems more cultivated than accurate. So I instead will focus my worry on you. He is a persuasive man, but if you do bed him, you must know that he will never be yours in any way but physically." Destan's blunt words surprised Theodore.

"I have no plans for that. It would complicate things too much."

"Good." Destan laid a hand on Theodore's arm after he stood and put his empty glass next to the decanter. "Your heart has chosen a difficult path. To love any Master is no easy thing, but he is The Master; this makes it almost impossible." Theodore's heart recoiled with the impact of Destan's words. In minutes, this man had seen what he had hidden for years.

"You cannot tell him." Theodore did not try to hide the truth.

"I can try to keep it from him if the Lady lets me." Destan brought Theodore's hand towards his lips. "She has chosen to trust you. Perhaps she knows of your love already. You must be a worthy man to have won the Lady's faith."

"I am no more worthy than any other man."

"No, you are more," Destan backed away, and Theodore felt his body tingling from the hand Destan had kissed. "Until we meet again."

"Will we meet again?"

"I think so. I do not think you will stay away from The Master long."

Destan left, and Theodore felt sleep overwhelm him. He stumbled back to his bed and smiled; Paulo had done this before. He did not fight the Water sleep. It was useless to try.

The Gathering of Masters: The Bond Once Severed Book 1Where stories live. Discover now