A Kiss By The Lake

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I haven't really seen many fan fictions of Arthur finding out about Freya. And we all know Arthur loves Merlin, I mean, how could you not notice? I'm currently watching series 4 of Merlin for the first time (don't bully me) so you could say I don't know what happens in series 5 (I really wish that was true) however I couldn't help myself and watched videos on YouTube of Merlin being sassy or best Merthur moments and I kinda figured out that (SPOILER) Arthur dies and now my world is ruined arghhhh. I am not looking forward to that episode coz I think I'm probs gonna cry.

Anyway, enough of my yacking. Here is de fan fiction hehe.

Where was Merlin? Arthur's room was getting messy again. He had no idea how it got like this. Why wasn't his cabbage head of a servant cleaning it up? For the past few days, Arthur had noticed that something was wrong with Merlin. He didn't seem to argue as much or joke around with him. It was like some sort of happiness had been sucked out of him. Merlin rarely smiled and the only time he did was when Arthur had grabbed his head and rubbed his knuckles against it.

He realised that Merlin's happiness had a bigger impact on him than he thought and he started to realise he was looking at Merlin with more softness than he used to. Sometimes, Arthur caught himself looking at Merlin's lips, wondering how his gaze had ended up looking at them. To say the least, Arthur wasn't able to sort his feelings out, they confused him. He thought he felt something towards Gwen, however whenever he saw Merlin he couldn't help but feel butterflies in his stomach.

Gazing out of his window, Arthur could see a skinny silhouette stride across the courtyard. Even though it was nearly pitch black, Arthur could tell whom that shadow belonged to. Why was Merlin leaving the castle in the middle of the night?

Before Arthur knew it, he was in hot pursuit of Merlin. From years of hunting in these woods, he managed to follow Merlin without giving his presence away. Before Arthur knew it, they were at the Lake of Avalon. What was Merlin doing here?

Even though the darkness engulfed them like a vacuum of unilluminated light, Arthur could faintly see Merlin sit down next to the shallows of the water and place something upon it. Suddenly he started to speak, in a voice that carried a sad tone. Arthur didn't understand, why was Merlin upset? He moved forwards slightly, trying to catch the words that he was saying.

"... I tried to find you a rose, but I couldn't find any. I know you like strawberries though." he chuckled. Merlin's laugh sounded hollow, there was no life to it because Arthur knew that something was upsetting him. He had seen it before and if he asked what was wrong, Merlin just wouldn't tell him.

To be honest, Merlin could be such a girl sometimes, but when Arthur could tell Merlin was downcast, he always made an attempt to use his normal Merlin mood. It failed though and he never seemed to laugh or snap a good comeback at the young Prince when an insult was thrown at him. Then Arthur would ask what was the matter or what had gotten into him. Sometimes Merlin wouldn't reply, or feebly try to sass back at Arthur.

A few days ago, Arthur decided to take it up a level, and thought that if he approached Merlin's feelings (which he told himself he didn't care about at all) in another way, he might be able to get it out of him.

Arthur was staring at Merlin. He knew he shouldn't 'stare' but it helped him to think about what could be going on his servant's head. He knew it was making Merlin uncomfortable, and Arthur hoped that he would say something about it at any moment. Merlin seemed to be in a rush, probably wanting to escape the prince's gaze on him. Just as Merlin reached the door, Arthur called him back.
"Merlin, a word please."

Merlin's head bowed as he made his way towards where Arthur was sitting. As much as Arthur wanted to look into those mesmerising eyes of his, Merlin wouldn't look up, and instead focused his attention on his hands, as though he had never seen them before. Arthur got up and walked around the table and stood right in front of him. This resulted in a quick glance upwards from Merlin, making split-second eye contact with Arthur before examining his hands again. That one quick look tore Arthur to shreds and made him want to hug Merlin until he smiled again, even though he tried to deny those thoughts.

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