Under Control? Thought Not.

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Thanks to bllover587  for the request!
Sorry for the awful pun in the title.


They were hunting.


King Arthur, the Knights and Merlin did the same thing yesterday. And the day before. And the day before that.

Why was killing innocent animals so appealing to his friends in shining armour? Merlin supposed that their thick skulls were so fat that they couldn't see how vulnerable the animals that they hunted were.

The routine was so familiar, that Merlin didn't even have to hear or pay attention for the call to stop and set up camp.

In fact, Merlin barely paid attention to what the "round table squad" were talking about. In the light of recent events, Merlin was more focused on getting a decent night's sleep.

The past few weeks had been stressfull (in fact, they still are) as Morgause's impending threat on Camelot had him running back and forth between Morgana and Arthur. The threat on the King's life and the rumour that Morgause was planning to kidnap the Court Sorceress kept him busy. Ever since Morgana found out that her half sister had used her in order to take over Camelot during the Fires of Idirsholas, she had turned her back on her.

Since then, Morgause had tried to bring Morgana back, however all attempts seemed to deepen Morgana's resolve. Shortly after Uther's death, she exposed Morgana's magic, but this plan had backfired on her as well. Arthur did not reject his sister (as Morgause thought he would) and instead crowned her as Court Soceress. That had happened only yesterday.

After what happened yesterday, Merlin finally felt the need to tell Arthur about his magic. The only thing that stopped him was Morgause. The King was still unsure about sorcery, he knew there was good in it, yet there was still proof that magic was bad and a threat to the downfall of Camelot.

The ban of magic was still in place.

Merlin assumed that all of the Knights and the pompous Prat had enjoyed their meal.

For once in his life, paying attention to the others would've been a good idea.

But we're forgetting, Merlin had no idea.


"What the hell is that?" Arthur asked, curious

"What, can princess not get by in life without getting scared of some leaves?" Gwaine teased.

"I think you should come and see for yourself if you have the nerves for calling me princess." Arthur growled, whilst crouching down and tilting his head to the side, with eyes on a strange leaf.

"Why on earth would I want to stare at a-"


A strange humming noise was vibrating through the plant. Pinprick pieces of gold fluttered upon the surface of the leaf. It's sheer beauty was made of pure magic and the power it possessed enticed any curious creature to come closer.

"Do you know what it is, Sire?" Leon questioned.

"I have no idea."

"It has a mischievous sense to it. I feel as if it is a plant of magic, Sire." noted Lancelot.

"Yes... We should not touch it or go near it. Gaius might know what it is, we will ask him when we return."

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