×Chapter 9×

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  "I'm a terrible brother. I can't say that enough, can I? I ignored you, I betrayed you, I banished you, I even messed with your code when you could have had a good life without problems..." Xisuma blurted out, his depressed tone making everyone in the room tense up.

  Xanthus struggled to stand his ground, wanting to comfort his brother but the anger and betrayal in him stopped him from doing anything. Yet Xisuma continued.

  "I was too worried about my own doubts, that I pushed away your safety. I'm the ""Evil X"" now... aren't I?" The admin said, looking at his lap. 

   Neither of the brothers expected to be in a hug, let alone with each other. But as soon as it occured, they just let it happen. Joe stood up, moving away from their hug so they could have space.

  "You aren't a terrible brother, X. You were worried and that's normal. You shouldn't blame yourself. Worry and anxiety got the better of me in the past, making me ""Evil X"" so don't think it has done the same to you." Xanthus stated, pulling away and wiping his brother's tears.

  Xisuma couldn't believe his brother would still do this even after all he'd done. But then he realized. Xisuma himself had forgiven Xanthus for everything he had done. Xan was just returning the favour.

  Xisuma struggled to hold in more tears, less of sadness more of joy. Xanthus just kept holding his brother until he fell asleep, knowing that the admin hadn't slept in a while.

  "Can someone help me get him to bed?" Xanthus asked with a small amused chuckle.

  Cub nodded and went to help Xanthus hoist Xisuma up and bring him to his bedroom. Everyone in the room just stood in shock at how fast Xanthus calmed Xisuma. They'd only been at the base for twenty minutes.

  Joe just sighed softly, glancing at the two remaining hermits in the room.

  "Xanthus explained the situation, didn't he? Don't go too hard on X, it hurt him to do it, so he's suffering too." Joe stated, earning a nod from Mumbo and a small huff from Doc.

  "I'm still upset that he would do that to his own brother." Doc grumbled, crossing his arms.

  "If you had someone you were trying to trust again who had done something bad in the past, would you try to make them a better person to avoid catastrophe?" Mumbo questioned, Joe decided to add on.

  "What if it was Bdubs? We know how close you are with him. Imagine being in the same situation as the twins with him." Joe stated, keeping eyes on Doc.

   The creeper hybrid tensed up, running the scenario through his mind over and over. If it was Bdubs in Xanthus's shoes, Doc couldn't bring himself to harm him but if he had to, he would.

  Joe and Mumbo exchanged glances before going to calm Doc.

  "That will never happen though, everything will be fine." Mumbo assured him.

  Doc took a deep breath and let his arms fall to his sides. He glanced at Xisuma's bedroom door, where Xanthus and Cub were just walking out of the room.

  "He's asleep. I noticed him working on stuff all week to the point I wasn't sure he'd slept." Xanthus explained as they walked out.

  "Well, now that this is over, we should probably head back and explain what happened to everyone else." Cub responded, sighing softly.

  Xanthus shook his head. He didn't want the other hermits to find out and be mad at Xisuma.

  "We'll tell them when Xisuma is ready to talk. I don't want him stressed more." The helmet wearing hermit replied, waving his hand to dismiss the subject.

  "Then it's most likely time we head home. Grian and Iskall are gonna bombard me with questions so I better get a head start now." Mumbo suggested, taking out some rockets in his off hand.

  The others said their goodbyes and headed off back home, leaving Xanthus alone. He let out a sigh. He was angry, but couldn't bring himself to an outburst on his brother. Maybe being "Soft Xanthus" for so many months rubbed off on him.

  He peeked in on his brother one last time, the admin fast asleep under the green sheets of his bedding. Xanthus let out a sigh, heading off to his own room for the night. He spent the night restless, trying to ignore the rushing emotions through his head.


      When morning came, Xisuma was startled awake by light flooding his bedroom.

  "Rise and shine sleepyhead. You've been asleep for two days." Xanthus stated, having opened the curtains over the windows.

  Xisuma only groaned softly, pulling his head under the blanket to avoid the light.

  "Wow, even after sleeping for so long, you still want to sleep." Xanthus let out a chuckle.

  Xisuma only glared at him from under the covers. The admin then sat up, taking off his helmet to rub his eyes free of sleep. Xanthus walked to him and pulled the admin up away from the bed.

  "Come on sleepyhead. You need to get up to eat something. Don't want you starving." Xanthus held his brother's hands.

  "I am a bit hungry, but being in bed so long made me a bit weary to walk." Xisuma replied, leaning against the red themed twin.

  "Then lets go get breakfast, someone is waiting outside to see you." Xanthus flashed a smile through his helmet as his brother.

  Xisuma, now worried who it might be, just put his helmet back on and walked, albeit a stumbling walk, with his twin out to the main area of the base.

   Joe and Cub were there, yet they hadn't noticed the twins exit the bedroom yet. Xanthus dragged his brother towards the duo.

  "Joe, Cub. Look who's awake finally." The duo looked over at the twins.

  Joe and Cub went over to the brothers and hugged Xisuma, having been worried he'd set himself into a coma.

   Xisuma was surprised at the embrace, and began to hug back after a bit of relaxing from the shock. Joe and Cub pulled away.

  "You shouldn't push yourself like that, everyone was so worried, X." Joe stated, frowning softly.

  Xisuma only sighed softly, glancing at the other hermit in the room. Cub didn't look happy, but it was a mix of worry and anger.

  "I'm trying not to yell at you for what you've done," He paused, mumbling something below his breath before continuing. "Because you seem to have learned your lesson. Don't mess around with your admin powers again. I'm letting this slide." Cub concluded, drawing out a sigh of relief from the other admin.

  "Thank you Cub.." Xisuma trailed off, his stomach growling.

  Xanthus let out a chuckle, helping Xisuma sit down and passing him some golden carrots. Xisuma took the food thankfully, and began to eat. The other three sat down and started to eat. Conversation began after a bit as well.


      It had been almost a full week since Xisuma had woken up from his deep sleep. They had decided it was time to reveal the truth. A server meeting was called and everyone met in front of the town hall.

   "We finally get to know what happened last week?" A random hermit called, and from what Xisuma could tell it was Wels.

  Xisuma just nodded, his brother and Cub were standing on either side of him. Mumbo, Joe and Doc were in the front of the crowd, having already known the truth.

  "Well, I guess it's time..."

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