💚Mastermind Makoto Naegi X Male! Reader💚

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Warning:there might be some grammar errors.
+little swearing
(like the heck someone would read this
Important thinks to know
Y/n=your name
L/n=last name
S/t=Skin tone
H/c=hair colour
I kinda wrote it like you are shorter then Makoto. (Makoto is 5'3)
Let's ignore height things :>

Killing game:yes
Makoto's p.o.v

Aww. Man this is so boring. That stupid robot of me is good for nothing. It was supposed to spread despair but It's just spreading hope.

"Hmm".What's that some kind of fight or what?.While I was looking at a scene Junko I mean Mukuro attacked me.(monokuma)
Y/n's p.o.v

"Junko watch out".I screamed while running to her.

I tried to push her from the attack but I was too late.

"W-why W-why m-me. T-t-this wansn't s-supposed t-to". Junko was trying to say somethink but suddenly her lifeless  body fell on the cold floor.

I checked on her body just in case. I was hopping she was alive. But I was wrong.

"Hey kid. What did you just done".I turned a round to see angry Monokuma."Me? More like you, why did you killed her".I said.

"I'm not talking about killing you dumbass".Monokuma said again with angry face. "Then what"?. I asked with surprised face.

"Im talking about you trying to save student from getting punished". Monokuma said.

"It's not against the rules so Y/n didn't do anythink wrong".Kyoko said.

"You right so from now on, I'm adding a new rule. Any student that would try to stop killing or try to stop THE punishment will get punished too but in different way".Monokuma said in calm voice.
Makoto's p.o.v

"Hmm".Isn't he cute. It would be such a shame  if somethink would happened to him.
"Like falling into a world full of despair".Makoto said while grinning like crazy.

Aww man but now I need to prepare another plan.

Little time skip (I got lazy to write the whole class trial. Rest in pizza 11037)

Y/n p.o.v

"What 11037 you really killed Sayaka?!".I asked in confused voice.

"L-look there was no other choice. You n-need to belive m-

"If there was no other choice why did you broke the door knob on bathroom doors. Celestia said in calm voice.

(The real Makoto we know is in this story just robot. I wrote this here just in case if someone would forgot)

"Yeah she got a point ".Kyoko agreed with Celestia

(I know people call her Celest but when I was playing game I always called  her Miss Celestia or Celestia my waifu


Time skip (bought you by hope Jesus)

End of 11037 punishment

I-I can't belive it 11037, Sayaka and Junko all of them are d-dead.

"F-from n-now on I promise no k-killing will happen. I-if It's needed I-i will sacrifice my life". I cried out  while everyone were looking at me with surprised faces.

"Good luck with that". Monokuma said with smug tone.

After that Everyone decided do go in they dorms. It was already night time but I couldn't sleep because of what happened today, it was just too much for me.

But then I heard some noices. I decided to turn my head a round to see monokuma.

"W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE".I screamed and fell from my bed.

"Hmm It's not nice to scream at your host".
Monokuma said in angry tone.

"I didn't invited you. You invited yourself" .
I said still being shooked with this weird situation.

"What a shame and I wanted to give you conveniented offer". Monokuma said in disappointed tone.

"What offer tell me.Or is it some kind of trap again?".

Makoto's p.o.v

Just as I expected. Now then what will you do Y/n. If you ment those words seriously I'm sure you will take that offer in no time.


Y/n's p.o.v

"The offer is that you~ will get punished and I~ will skip second motive. That means you can save your friends~". Monokuma said.

"W-what t-that's crazy". I said in surprised tone."Hey didn't told it yourself that you would  sacrifice your life to stop the  killing.

"This is the Best offer I can get you". Then monokuma started lauging.

I-..... Ehh.......

  F-f.. f.. Fine
"What did you said I can't hear you".

"I-i.... Said-

"Nah I was just  joking I totaly heard you". Manokuma said and then little grin appeared on his face.

"S-so when will it be?". I asked. I need to admin it I'm scared. No you are y/n l/n you  should never be scared. Right?

"What if I  say...... Right now".Suddely I blacked out.
Makoto's p.o.v

"Hmm." Cute like always heh. I sit next to s/t h/c male two inches shorter then me."Hey, hey wake up sleepyhead~".

"L l-leave m-me alone~. I wan't to sleep ~".Y/n started to mumbling something about not waking up.

I sighed and took y/n bride style. Then I sat on my chair and put him on my lap.

Time skip ( bought you by "let's pray for Hope Jesus")

Y/n p.o.v

Am I in heaven or in hell?. Sudenly I can feel a warm and gentle touch.(poor Kotoko)
When I opened my eyes I saw Makoto?.
(( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) 

"Oh, Hey you finaly awake~". Wait what. "M-makoto what are you-." Shh~". Makoto put his finger on my mouth.

"You talk too much".I started to blushing like crazy. Wait why am I blushing?!.Sudenly his other hand touched my hips.

I was trying to twich from his touch but it was usless he is much stronger then me.
Who is this is this really Makoto?.

"Im the real Makoto Naegi you know that guy you saw there was just robot".What robot?.

No It can't be. "Oh yes darling I'm the Master mind of this killing game~ and you are going to be my partner from now on".

"P-partner w-what do you mean by that!!".
"Come on darling~ partner is partner. There is nothing hard to understood".

Makoto then got closer to my face and then he kissed me.My body move on It's own and I kissed back.

The kiss was sweet and gentle. But then we pull apart.

Then Makoto got closer to my left ear and whispered"We going to cause so much despair together~".

Part 2?
Words: 1122

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