02 : "bye"

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kenjirou was awaken by his alarm clock that he had set the night before. he rubbed his eyes too much that caused him to see stars. he scoffed.

"he really had to
kick me out at
such an ungodly

he complained, despite the fact that it was already 8 in the morning. even though he already turned his alarm off, he stayed in his bed and stared at his ceiling.

he started rolling back and forth on his bed, enjoying it before he leaves. oh how much he's gonna miss living in this fancy life.

at about 15 minutes after 8, kenjirou finally decided to start getting ready. his things were all packed and he only needed to shower. after that, he's free to leave their house and may or may not return.

the things his father said to him replayed in his head again. he actually had a hard time sleeping last night because of what happened.

he knew that it was already done and there's nothing he can do but to follow his father's orders or else it could end up worse.

kenjirou started wondering what kind of family their butler had. he hoped they would be kind enough to let him have his own room since he hated sharing with other people.


he heard his mother call him. he was still in the shower taking his time because he knew he won't be able to experience this for a while.



"we'll be waiting
for you downstairs,
alright? hurry a bit."

kenjirou didn't answer his mother and finished his bath. maybe staying here too long will make him miss his room even more.

he quickly got dressed and checked all the things he packed and if he was forgetting something. he turned to his drawers and saw a picture of him and his brother when they were younger.

his brother was holding him in his arms while they were both laughing. he clearly remembered what happened that day. they were playing hide and seek and his brother immediately found him hiding in their usual spot.

he smiled bitterly before putting the frame inside one of his luggage. he actually brought a lot of clothes and things with him which explains the two huge luggage in his room.

he stared at the things in front of him before calling his maids to carry his stuff for him, but was interrupted when someone else answered.

"carry your things
on your own! stop
depending on
other people,

"geez, okay, okay,
its too early to
shout like that."

he only whispered those words to himself— afraid that his father might hear them and stir another problem.

kenjirou struggled to carry all his things with him, but he didn't complain. it's not like complaining will do much though, his face basically says it all.

after how many minutes of struggling, he finally managed to bring his things on the first floor. he saw his mother and mr. semi waiting for him by the door.

hayami walked towards him and pulled him into her arms. kenjirou immediately hugged her back. he never wanted to let go of her.

"everything will
be alright, jirou..."

"i know, i know.
i just wanted to
hug you longer."

"contact me if
anything happens,
okay? take care
of yourself."


kenjirou finally loosened his grip and moved backwards. he's afraid that if he stayed longer, he wouldn't wanna let go.

"i'm gonna go now."

he looked at his mother who smiled at him apologetically before shifting his gaze to his father who was just watching him from the inside.

a taxi was waiting for them outside, along with mr. semi who was about to open the car door for him when-

"he can do that on
his own, semi-san,
let him be."

kenjirou scoffed to himself. mr. semi looked at him and mouthed 'sorry' which kenjirou answered with a small 'it's okay'.

before he can go inside the taxi, he faced his father.


kota just nodded his head and left. kenjirou smiled bitterly and eventually went inside the taxi.

this was gonna be a long ride.

[an: so i decided to not make the chapters really long cause i think people will find it boring jshddk]

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